Listen to what they say

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It was one of those quiet and peaceful nights where nothing could ruin the atmosphere. The moon was high in the air, its soft glow lighting up the earth and guiding whoever was lost to their homes. With animals hidden and humans fast alseep, there was nothing to watch nor look after.
Taking advantage of the sweet free time, the being casted a look over the small village that outstretched under his feet, claiming what little land it needed. One spell would be enough to make it crumble, to shatter what those mere mortals built over the years and make it disappear under the ruins. They were hidden inside their homes, unsuspecting anything. The chances of them getting alive out of them were small, almost nonexistent. But they held back, burying the raw power under their skin and letting it puls there.


The God hesitated to turn around, recognizing the voice and its tone. It was clearly upset, maybe even with a small amount of anger. With the way his name rolled off of their tongue, shivers shook his body. It was ridiculous, because he himself was a god. But when the Higher One was in the picture, he was nothing but a mere God that couldn't do much.
With a deep breath in, the God finally turned around and looked up, mask glowing and halos turning a little quicker around his head. Forcing his body to obey, a small bow was enough to show his gratitude and respect. But it was not enough to ease the other, more powerful God.

"Lady Death" they said, standing tall and proud. "What might be the reason behind your sudden visit?"

The Goddess of Death, who carried herself by the name Lady Death, had her eyes on him. They weren't warm how they always used to be  but clouded by so much emotions the lesser God couldn't point out what exactly it was that she felt. There was no sign of the usual kindness or love, nor the welcoming light that always filled her eyes whenever she decided to visit any other God. XD wondered if it was the day she decided to get rid of him and replace with someone else.

"Does one need a reason to visit another? Is it forbidden to simply want to have a conversation?" Lady Death asked, a fan in her hand that covered her entire face except for her eyes that glared at the God in front of her.

"Of course not, I love having you come by and simply have a talk. But I must admit, you seem a little on the edge. What seems to be bothering you, My Lady?" He asked, hiding his uncertainty behind his mask.

His face might be hidden, but no emotions could be hidden from the strongest of God's.
Especially not the Goddess of Death.
A single crow that was perched o her shoulder cawed loudly, staring at him with its wide and empty eyes.

"I am here for a favor to ask from you. I understand is you decline but I hope you will at least consider"

XD glanced at The Higher God, wings ruffling on his back. A favor from The Goddess of Death surely had to be important. It was unheard of her to ask other God's for something, when she herself could do and get anything she wished for. It was an opportunity to prove himself, to show the Other God's that he was worthy of his power and place among the Other's.

"I will gladly help you in any way I can." He stated,  lowering himself, bowing to her.

Death smiled, moving the fan away from her face and those beautiful mysterious black eyes lit up with mischief. With the help of her folded fan, Death carefully moved the God's chin up so that he would look at her. She carefully lowered herself to match his lever and XD's mask disappeared from his face, revealing those green eyes.

"As you know, Dream has felt strong hatred towards my son since the beginning and his obsession caused him more harm than a normal human being would manage to live through. I believe you know of my son's passing, no?"

XD nodded his head, not daring to move his eyes away from her face.

"When I found out about it, I made sure he would get another chance of a normal life. Instead of sending his soul to the Afterlife, I allowed it to travel through the Void and far, far away. His soul ended up in another dimension, where his body materialized and found a new place to come to life." Death explained, carefully letting the words sink in the God's mind.

"Is he safe?" XD asked.

If there was one thing he hated about Dream, it was how he treated the youngest member of his server. He was merciless, bringing the poor child pain and suffering every damn day. He would torture him, push him down, degradate him, make him feel worthless. As if he was a mere bug in his existence.
He wished to help the boy, especially when his prayers would reach his ears. He was ready to drop everything and listen to his prayers, to offer help and if not, then at least some advice. He used to watch over the blonde all night and days, keeping an eye on him.
But he couldn't interfere. Dream would find out and then he would do god knows what. He threatened him, Tommy and everything he knew. Despite being stronger, better and being a God overall, Dream was insane. He was unpredictable, his doings were out of this world. He couldn't do anything, no matter how much he tried. And even if he did do something, even if he tried, Tommy simply couldn't see him nor hear his voice. And he suspected it was because of Dream.

So he could only hope that wherever Tommy was now, that he was safe and away from any possible harm.

"He is. For now" Death said, growing and straightening her body. "He found a new family, one that kindly took him in and offered care and love. One adopted him and made sure he has everything. Another keeps him company and is like a brother to him. Ghost and the others are with him, too. Watching over him and his new found family" 

"Did you send them there by yourself?" XD asked.

"I was planning on it but Ghost was quicker, I could only open the portal for them to go through and pray that they reached him safely"

XD smiled, nodding his head. Death was the kindest Goddess he has ever met and he didn't expect anything else from her.

"Then what shall I help you with?" XD asked, hoping to help his lady in any way he could.

Death glanced go the side, petting the huge Crow on her shoulder.

"Tommy's friend, Quackity. He plans on bringing Tommy back to life after Dream's numerous failed attempts. We can't have that happening, Tommy will stay where he is and I need you to make sure that that man won't try anything" Death said, clasping her hand together and letting her wings unfold from her back, the pure black feather shining in the moonlight. "There's someone trying to harm Tommy, a villain. He wants to use him for his own purpose, to make himself stronger and bring the world to its knees. If he somehow managed to kill Tommy and Qauckity tries to brhng him back to life at the same time, it will be lost."

It was enough to make everything clear. Tommy couldn't go back, not here. Not when Dream was still alive. And not ever.

"I will try my best to make sure Sir Quackity doesn't try anything" DreamXD said, placing a hand where his heart should be.

The Goddess of Death smiled softly, placing a hand on his head and caressing it with love. His wings ruffled, a smile pulling at his own lips.

"Thank you Dear. I don't want my son to suffer again, not by Dream."

DreamXD went down on his knee, hand covering his face while the other rested on his chest.

"I understand. From today on, I shall protect Your Son and kept him from any harm, just like you once did." XD said, his wings fully out and shimmering in the light.

"I shall look after the human you came to love and care about and keep him away from Dream's wrath. Georgenotfounde shall be protected, till the day he takes his final breath" The Goddess of Death said, bowing her head at the God in front of him.

"Thank you, My Lady" he whispered into the air, when the Goddess in front of him started to disappear along with the cold wind.

"I trust you and your doings, XD. Don't make me regret my choices"

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