Don't follow the shadows

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"Have you got him?"

"No, I'm following him down the street. He left the Place some time ago and didn't notice anything yet"

A loud sigh could be heard from the other end of the phone when the silence filled the call. The man pursed his lips, the mask covering his face making it harder to breath. He dipped his head down so the hood would cover more of his face, but not catch unwanted attention.

"Why are we even bothering to watch him? What is so important that we need him?"

It was now his turn to sigh, head shaking from annoyance at his partner.

"Boss said something about unique quirk or shit. Something with alchemy, I'm pretty sure" the man answered, slowing down a little to not make any sound. "Either way, he could be useful in many ways"

"Ugh, can't we just ambush him and take back to base?"

"No, remember what boss said. The kid can and will fight of needed. He might be grounded, but that doesn't change the fact that he knows hand in hand combat." Despite not seeing it for himself, the details they were given were enough to know that the kid have had some experience in fighting.

"Remind me again, what was the guys name? The one who wants him?"

"Why can't you listen to Boss at least once?! He introduced himself as 'Mask', alright? We don't know his name but we know he wants the kid." The man said, before pulling the phone away from his ear and fingers barely pressing against the call end button. "Now go back to spying. I almost lost track of the kid because of you"

And as the call ended, he only cursed himself for not paying attention to the kid. Not wanting to lose the kid for sure, he speed up and almost tripped over a rock while doing so. As he neared the corner, he took a quick look around and smiled to himself when no one was around. And as much as perfect the situation was for ambushing someone, he knew that If he did it, he would fuck up the plan. And then, he would have to go back to the base and explain everything to the Boss. Everyone knew Boss didn't like when someone messed up the mission and decided to act on their own.
And so, he opted on just following the target and tracking him down.
He pressed the small blade closer to his stomach, hidden deep under his clothes to mask it. Should he not use it, just keep in case something went wrong and the plan backfired.
When he finally reached the corner and turned around, he was meet with something cold touching his head.

He smirked, eyes moving to the side so he could see at least a little bit of his company. When he noticed the familiar hoodie, his smirk faded as the realization hit him.

"Hello, friend."

・.。.:* *.:。.・

Tommy wasn't stupid, he knew when something was off. Like when someone was staring at him, he get that weird urge to turn around and seek for something. Most of the times, his instincts were right and there indeed was someone staring at him from behind.
It was almost scary how well his body reacted and knew something that others didn't. Even if someone just glanced his way, sometimes out of pure accident, he would feel it in his bones.
It was useful, sure. But sometimes it creeped him out. The amount of times he caught someone looking at him or eyeing his wings, which were something rare apparently, was sickening. Be it a kid who was simply curious of what was growing from his back or a fully grown man who screamed anything but safe.

So when he felt himself shiver and the hair on the back of his neck stand up, he knew there was something there. Or rather someone, as he would later come to an realization.
Nonetheless, the tip feathers on his bandaged wings twitched. He wanted to turn around and look for someone who caused this feeling. Bit something told him not to and for the first time in years, he listened.
As he walked further and further away from the small Store that he was in previously, instead of the feeling going away, it seemed to get stronger. That only meant one thing and Tommy did not like that at all. He tuned out all the noises that reached his ears and clouded his head, trying his best to listen if someone was following him.

The Poisonous Feather // MHA x DSMPWhere stories live. Discover now