Blinding explosions

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"-Stop pulling on my hair!" Tommy screamed, pulling at the hand that pulled his hair, his body twisting in a weird way that made his bone ache.

Recovery Girl only pulled him harder, a chirp slipping past his lips when his body was forced to lean forward, now almost bend in half. His eyes narrowed at the old woman, trying to get her to let go was basically useless. She was too stubborn for her own good.

"I told you to be nice to other students!" She said, pinching his forearm.

"Ow-! I was noce to everyone?!" He screamed, staring at her as if she grew out a second head.

"Yeah? Then what about that red haired boy who left some time ago?" She asked, raising one eyebrow to scold him, a lecture ready in her mind. "He looked upset in my opinion"

Tommy scoffed, yanking back so he could free himself. Recovery Girl's grip slipped from his hair, the sudden movement sending an unpleasant feeling to his head. He massaged his head, whining in the process.

"He tried to apologize but was surprised when I didn't listen to him. He is one of the many students who believed in those stupid rumours" he said quietly, arms falling to his side in defeat.

Recovery Girl stared at him for a moment, before sighing and shaking her head around. She turned her back around, going for a shelf that was closer to the ground. She looked through it for a moment, papers shuffling and pins scattering around. Her each was successful because she pulled out a small cookie wrapped in it's packaging and she turned around to face Tommy again, her hand outstretched towards him.
Tommy glanced at it, then at her and back at the sweet.
Seeing his dumbfounded expression, she took his hand and placed it on his palm.

"Take it. Consider it as my treat" she said, smiling softly.

"Oh, thank you" he said, looking down at the palm of his hand.

After a hot second he pushed the sweet treat inside his pocket, patting it to make sure it wouldn't fall out any time soon or before he got around to eating it.
Huh, didn't think that Recovery Girl would be handing out sweets. But he gladly accepted it, he hasn't eaten anything in few hours and it was slowly catching up to him.

"You can take a break while I fill up some papers. Just don't make a mess, I spent a lot of time organizing all these documents"

Tommy only hummed, looking out the window. And as expected, he saw one of his crows. It wasn't Ghost, that much was sure because the crow was missing the white stop of it's head. Tommy recognized it as one of the younger crows, that he hasn't had time to really meet. But the bond was there and the crow knew him.
He opened the window a little, letting the bird hop in inside and close it right after.
The Crow hopped on the desk for a while, before stopping and glancing up at Tommy. Its black eyes staring intensely at him, like it wanted to tell him something.
The eye contact was broken when the crow lowered its head and placed something on the desk, eyes back to staring at Tommy.

What was that? He picked it up, the round shape not reminding him of anything familiar. He turned it in his hand, the other side exactly like the front. It was black with a white X on it. Tommy did not recognize it nor did he knew what it was.
However the longer he looked at it, it seemed to burn into his memory.

Found it in your room on the floor under your bed.

Did Aizawa leave it there? Or did Hawks accidentally drop something? But the thing didn't make sense. Hy would they carry something like this around? And not tell him?
Surely, if any of them lost it they would tell him and ask for help in looking for it.
So it couldn't possibly be theirs. So whose?

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