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GAHHHH, I'm sorry fot updating so late and no regularly! I was busy with school and had little motivation (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠)
But I'm back now and I promise I will update regularly like before!
For now, I hope you enjoy and have a good day/night!

PS. Some things you're going to see in this chapter might not be real or has never happened, but please remember that it is my AU and it's meant to be different.
Don't like, don't read ;)
This will mostly be a memory and I will keep you  annoying you with cliffhangers :D

・.。.:* *.:。.・

It was dark by the time when he has reached the L'Canyon, the sun long set and the moon giving off a soft light. He slowly made his way towards the middle of it, where the old exit was. The place made him shiver, the cold air only adding to the feeling. Ranboo was aware of what happened in this place, the ruins speaking for themselves.
Blown up and destroyed to pieces, it took months if not years to rebuild and bring it back to somewhat decent state. At first, everyone said it would be best to leave the place how it was, to move on and forget about its existence. But as some voted after some time, they went ahead and made it look more welcome, so that it didn't look like what it used to be back then.
He was glad they did, because now ut looked less scary. Less violent, as if nothing ever happened and that it was never blown up. Only those who witnessed it would know and it shall be this way.

Ranboo perked up when he noticed Technoblade staring at him from afar, his face hidden by his pink hair that blew in front of it.
They stared at each other, challenging the other to look away first. And unfortunately for Ranboo, his Enderman part didn't give him the satisfaction of winning when he was forced to look away.

"Took you long enough" Technoblade said lowly, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword

"I'm sorry, I.. got lost" Ranboo said, scratching his neck nervously.

Techno glanced at him before turning to the side, side eyeing him from his position.

".. right" He said. "Come now, we shouldn't waste any more time"

Ranboo caught up with the pinknette, one step back as to give him some space. The taller male paid him no mind, looking straight ahead and focusing on the path they were about to cross.
Carefully stepping on the glass that showed off what was under their feet, they both made their way across the canyon and safely stepped on the grass. Ranboo sighed in relief, now looking far ahead instead of looking under his feet in fear of breaking the glass and falling to his potential death.

"Where are we even heading?" Ranboo asked, looking at Techno puzzled.

The other gave him another glance but carried on with his way, not even slowing down.

"It is not very wise to follow someone not knowing we're you're headed, isn't it?" He asked in a mocoking voice, before giving Ranboo a clear answer. "Quackity wanted to prepare the revival in Pogtopia"

Ranboo looked at him skeptic, not recalling anything about the mentioned place. And maybe it was because of his memory problems or simply no one ever bothered to say anything to him about it. Could be the latter, because if someone did mention anything, he would have it written down in his notebook. And he studied it for a couple of hours before leaving his house, making sure he knew everything that could he useful in any way. For example, who Wilbur really was and what he has done.

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