Memory problem?

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To be clear, I have little idea how all the medical stuff look and what professionals do. This probably won't make sense so please, don't try anything.

・.。.:* *.:。.

"-Alright, that's all I wanted to ask. If we know something more, we will inform you right away" the officer said, nodding at Tommy while scanning all the questions she asked him.

"Thank you" Tommy said, sipping on the healing potion, his eyes staring at nothing.

When all the adrenaline left his body, he could feel hid body growing dizzy and out of place. His head was pounding, left side twitching in pain. And his fingers hurt, too, from the way he held so tightly into the metal bar.
Even so, he watched how the ambulance drive away with the guy inside. He had to say, the faces full of shock and amazement he received from both Police Officers and the Paramedics made him feel happy. Or a little happier, at least.

"Make sure to go and get yourself checked out by the Paramedics. Then, you can leave as long as your body hasn't experienced any issues and your guardian is here" the woman said, offering him a warm smile before walking away to her partner.

Tommy followed her figure for a moment, before sighing and eventually making his way towards where he saw the last ambulance that stayed behind just for him. He pursued his lips into a thin line, still sipping on the warm and sicklingly sweet potion. And as he approached the vehicle, a small and petite looking woman greeted him,  petting the white bed inside the ambulance. Tommy easily hopped inside and situated himself on the not so comfortable looking bed and stared at her in wonder. Sure, he was in a Hospital before (more than once, which kinda worried him) but he never saw how the ambulance works. So far he knew that it was like a hospital in wheels, having less equipment but still the most important things. Also, he was kinda interested in some of the things he noticed because as far as he could remember, there were no such things in L'manburg.

"Do you feel any pain?" She asked, raising her dark eyebrows at him.

Tommy shook his head, clearing it from any thoughts as he tried to focus on whatever the nice lady was saying.

"Uh- a little headache but nothing a healing potion can heal. Numb fingertips? I think, probably from the metal bar" Tommy said, taking the last sip of the potion before the empty bottle disappeared from his hands.

"Your quirk?" Samantha, was a name Tommy could read from the small ID attached to her long white Scrub, probably American or shit. "Mine is X-Ray, I can see through people and look for any damage. Hence why I'm a doctor"

Tommy opened his mouth to answer the question but stopped when something hit him. This woman looked familiar. Too familiar for comfort.
The smile she gave him was wide and gentle. There was something that old Tommy would take as pity or simply self-blame. But the present Tommy was smarter, better at reading people.
Kindness was something he rarely saw in people, especially his so called friends. It was new, fresh feeling that he wanted to feel and see more, he wanted to cherish it and hold onto for a long time. And maybe he was selfish, maybe he was thinking about himself too much for once. And yet he felt good, because for the first time in years he could wish to have something for himself. And if it was kindness and love from another human, he longed for it. 
He never thought about himself, he put his friends first and made sure they were safe. If they were low on food, he would make sure Wilbur and Tubbo ate first before he took care of his hunger. If they needed medical care and only had a few bandages left, Tubbo was the first one to get patched up. And despite often running out of aid kit and bandages, Tommy said it was fine and he could leave his scars open without any protection. Hence why he had so many scars in the first place, because he never had a chance to take care of them properly.
They would reopen, bleed a little, sometimes even get infected yet he paid no mind to it. He was used to the pain and having no feel in his arms for days. All because he wanted his friends to be safe and well.

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