Red means danger

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Tommy felt odd, thinking about all that happened and was about to happen. The unsettling feeling was still there, making it's presence known with the weird feeling in his arms. They felt like someone was poking a needle through his skin and then putting it together with a string.
He knew something was wrong and that only made him realize that maybe it didn't have anything to do with Japan. Maybe it was L'manburg that was in danger and he wasn't there to help. He wasn't there to do anything. While he was staying in a safe place with people who took care of him, his friends could be out there fighting for their life like always. But, could he even call then his friends? More like co-workers if it was the right word, he couldn't remember.

"Sit still for a second kid, I can't check on you if you keep moving!" The Recovery Girl smacked him in the head gently and he whined, hand massaging his abused head.

"I'm sorry, I just can't help but worry.." he said quietly and only then did Recovery Girl stopped what she was doing and looked down at him.

Noticing the all too familiar pout and the way Tommy wouldn't look anywhere else but at the floor, she sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"What's on your mind? Are you worried shout your friend?" She asked and he bit his lower lip.

"If by friend you mean Todoroki, then not really. I mean, I am worried that he might get hurt but it's not exactly what I'm worried about." Tommy explained, glancing up at her with eyes that showed nothing but pain and fear.

She offered him a small smile, ruffling his hair a little. She continued her work, checking for any injuries before making sure he didn't have a fever.

"I can't promise that nothing happened to your friends but I'm sure they are more capable than anyone else to take care of each other. After all, Aizawa told me that you always praised their abilities to fight and defend their country." She said.

Tommy's eyes widened a little as he looked her straight in the eyes.

"How do you know-?"

"Don't be surprised. Nezu informed some of us about your situation a long time ago. Along with Aizawa, they thought it would be the best thing to do. And don't worry, no one expect for the teachers knows" She said softly, before taking a step back to write something down in her notebook. "You can put your shirt on. I only need to check your hands"

Tommy slipped the shirt over his head and down his body, struggling a little to get his wings through the holes on the back.
On the other hand, he didn't know how to feel. He expected the Principal to tell the other teachers and Heroes about his situation, after all it would be stupid to not let them know that there was a strange kid from another world walking around and hoping to become a hero one day. But how much did they know?

"How much do you know?" He asked with a hopeful face.

"Oh, not much I suppose. Nezu told us something about the place where you come from, how it wasn't the best place to live. He mentioned something about exile and your brothers death, which I'm truly sorry for" she placed the notebook down and walked up to him again, reaching out to grab his hands.

Tommy placed his hands in her own, feeling the old but still warm skin.
He flinched when she traced her hand up to his wrist, visibly noticing the small reaction.

"Is there something I should know about?" She asked, stoping for a second before carrying on.

"I-" he stopped.

Was it okay to tell? Should he let her know, out of all people? She could help but.. how would she react? He felt disgusted about it, hated it even. The way it reminded him of everything he went through. The fact that it was with him till this very day and he couldn't get rid of it.
Should he say the truth? Was it okay to expose a part of his memory?

The Poisonous Feather // MHA x DSMPWhere stories live. Discover now