Fly until you fall

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Endeavor was too slow, he lunged forward a little too late. With his hand outstretched and body moving forward, he still wasn't able to catch the knife. He cursed in his head, watching it fall like it was in slow motion.
The clock ticked, time moving so slow it was painful. He watched, with wide eyes and with a scream ripping from his throat the blade get closer and closer.

"Call for help!" Someone from outside yelled, panic in their voice.

"What happened?!"

"Fuji was attacked by a villain!"

He was inches away when the blade made contact with its victim, another scream ripping through the air. And he was too late.

Later on, when they reached the hospital, was all peaceful before it turned into chaos faster than anyone could even blink. In less than a second, the quiet and empty halls turned into a living hell. People ran around the hall, looking for any empty room, paramedics rushing after them.
Voices filled the hall, so loud it was obvious to everyone that something was going on and it wasn't good.
It was clear that someone needed medical help as soon as possible, one single bed pushed inside a room just on the end of the hallway. Soon, a doctor was inside that room looking after his patient.

And it was messy. There was blood, so much blood it was painful to watch. Unmoving, unresponsive. But still somehow alive. They were holding on, threads ready to snap. But they still held on. By a miracle, it seemed.

・.。.:* *.:。.

On the other end of the hall, Tommy, who was quietly sitting in his room, flinched at the loud noises but pushed himself up into a sitting position nonetheless. Saying he was confused would be an understatement.
He couldn't really leave the bed, the dizziness in his head preventing him from moving too much. And he was all alone, Aizawa and Todoroki gone. He remembered something about a planned trip or a camp of some sorts, he hasn't paid much attention to the details. And Hawks was nowhere to be seen since he left some time ago and still hasn't come back.
What caught him of guard the most was the fact that all his crows were gone. Even Ghost, who hours ago was cuddling up to his side. He was all alone.

The blonde wanted to know what was happening, an uneasy feeling settling in his stomach. Normally, he wouldn't be all that concerned. But something didn't feel right..
Waiting uselessly wasn't an option, so Tommy did the only thing he could. With his weak arm, he reached above the bed and fiddled with a cable, before his fingers found the small button that he was looking for. Quickly pressing it, he let his body fall backwards, wings sprawling on the bed.
Not long after the doors to his room were opened and a single nurse walked in, greeting him with a smile and a confused look. He could tell she was a little.. upset.

"Is there something wrong?" She asked in that sweet and kind voice.

"Not really. I just wanted to ask about the noise." He said, smiling at her when she walked further into his room.

"Oh.." she said, hesitant to continue. "There's a new patient with a stab wound. Don't worry about it too much"

Yeah, don't worry about the fact that someone was impaled. Sure, easy to do.
However, Tommy managed to pick up the hesitant tone and how her voice wavered at the end. He could blame it on the situation, he knew that whatever happened couldn't look pretty.
With chills shaking his body, he nodded at the nurse.

"Okay, thank you" he said, watching her leave in a hurry.

But why was she in such hurry?
Whatever. Tommy sighed in boredom, stretching out his arms and running a hand through his feathers.
They weren't telling him something, something that was important. He was feeling left out and that did not sit right with him. His feathers were all tingly, instincts oddly quiet like they were silneced by a string force.

The Poisonous Feather // MHA x DSMPWhere stories live. Discover now