Sound of anger

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"-And Todoroki from Class 1-A makes his way through the crowd easily placing himself on the front!" Mic's voice announced, his words only hyping the crowds more and more.

Tommy watched from the side how Todoroki glided on the ice, freezing any students that could mean any possible threat for him. The students were yelling, complains leaving their lips like strings of curses.
Tommy smirked as he leaned closer to the glass, taking a better glance at his friend. He made it look so easy, like he was born to do just that and dance on the ice like some sort of a princess. His gaze flicked towards the other students for a second, trying to make a list of those who would be the biggest threat for Todoroki. On the top was Bakugou who with his quirk could surely rival Todoroki and if he put his mind to it, maybe even win over him. But with his explosive attitude and short temper, there was a high change he would overuse his quirk or get tired out quicker which would give Todoroki an advantage. But he wasn't someone to ignore, after all he was strong and the control he had over his quirk was insane.
Midoriya could also be a threat if it wasn't for him breaking his bones so easily. He was smart and observant which gave him an advantage of knowing his opponent.
Monika could also be a threat but his cockiness would probably end up making him an easier target.

"What do you think so far?" Aizawa asked him, turning his head around to face the kid, voice soft enough for the mic to not pick it up.

Tommy tore his eyes away from the glass and glanced at the man covered in bandages, a frown pulling at his lips.

"Is interesting so far, but I'm more excited about the Final Battles. I wanna see Todoroki kicking everyone's asses" Tommy said, earning a chuckle from Aizawa who only shook his head.

"Of course you do. Why did I expect a different answer?" Aizawa asked himself but didn't wait for an answer and instead came back to what he was doing.

Tommy sighed, watching the Obstacle Course escalate and following Todoroki with his eyes. The Robots didn't seem to stand in his way, the boy easily destroying them or avoiding so the students behind him would have to take care if them.
Gotta work smart and not hard.
However the loud explosions caught his attention, hands twitching at the loud noises. He bit the inside of his cheek, focusing on Bakugou who was moving through the air. As he said, Bakugou could be a threat too. He easily made him way through the air, soon joining Todoroki by his side and yelling something. Tommy barely could notice the fact that they were pushing each other, one trying to trip the other one. Soon more ice covered the ground but this time they were mixed with explosions. And Tommy could feel Aizawa's eyes on his body for a hot second before he turned away. Old habits die hard.

He was about to look for Midoriya when something caught his attention. His head snapped to the side, eyes narrowing while trying to spot whatever it was that distracted him. And when he did, his head fell to the side, confusion taking over. A pair of black eyes stared right back at him, the Crow lowering its head before taking off into the skies.
Tommy didn't wait any longer, snatching the bag that lied by his leg before storming towards the doors. The teachers looked at him, Mic about to say something before Tommy closed the doors and hurriedly made his way down the stairs.
Wasting no time to walk down, he simply flew down and glide across the hallway. The wind in his wings was nice but there was no time to enjoy the feeling of it when he had something important to do.
Slamming into the doors with his shoulder, the metal hurting his arm in the process, Tommy threw the doors open and found himself outside of UA, away from all those people. Instead he was outside, slowly making his way to the north where he saw the bird flying away to. The loud screams of excitement and joy filled the silence outside, making him more nervous than he should be.

A small chirp brought his attention back, Ghost flying right above him in a circle motion. That was something he never did and it honestly made Tommy more worried than anything. He outstretched his arm for the bird to perch on it, but was ignored. Tommy frowned before deciding to walk forward while keeping an eye on his bird friend. As expected, Ghost followed him in the sky, still doing the circle as if he was looking out for something.
There was nothing in front of him, small forest stretching out behind the building and acting as a shield of some sort. It was dark inside, the trees growing thick and close to each other to keep intruders away. Tommy stopped right in front of it, glancing up at Ghost who finally seemed to lower his flight and perch on the closest tree. Tommy crossed his arms over his chest, tapping one foot on the soft grass under his booth.

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