Like the wind

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Often, we don't have any control over what's happening to us or those around us. Be it good or bad, usually it all depends on god's mind and we're at the sake of his mercy. We might not agree with everything, we can argue and try to changed whatever was bound to happen yet it's never easy. Some go a far as sacrificing things they love, some go over the fact and some simply accept their faith.
Ideas of trying to change the past, however, we can try to change the future. Because what happened in the past was in the past and you couldn't change it, unless you had the ability to move back in time. Hence why people tried do hard to change their futures and make sure everything goes according to their plans.

Technoblade was one of the people who didn't cry over the past or cared about the present. All he thought about was the future. Why you ask? Because he could prevent any mistakes he did in the past. He was smarter, stronger and more experienced with life. He knew to not trust people who tied to bribe him on their side. He knew to not become their weapon again. Because as much as people though he could forget about it, he surely did not. Being used as a weapon was not fun, even if he got a free hand and could kill as many people as he wished. Even if they paid him in gold or pretended to be dumb, he knew that the only thing they thought of him was a weapon. A weapon that you didn't have to wield, that you didn't have to train or sharpen after every fight. Technoblade was flawless in their eyes, something to kill and not be killed. He carried himself as a Blade, a man who killed millions and served the Blood God.

Ever since being able to walk, Techno taught himself everything he would need in the future. How to fight, how to move without anyone noticing him and how to be stronger that anyone else. He taught himself how to survive all by himself and how to live. The reason he raised in the ranks and soon became the Feared Blade was because of him and him only.

And even when he met a strange man with wings like a crow who's name was Phil, he did not stop. He only grew in power, now having another reason to train even harder. Because he had someone to protect, someone to come back to.
Even when the other two boys appeared in his life, he carried on. Fighting people, slaughtering god's and bringing death to wherever he went.
And maybe, just maybe those people found a soft spot in his heart.
But as always, something had to go wrong.

"All you see me as is a Weapon! Nothing more!" He screamed, the explosions behind him only growing louder and larger as they approached.

"I saw you as a friend! NOTHING LESS!" Tommy's loud voice was carried with the wind, his words only making Techno's rage grow.

"You betrayed me! You chose government after everything I did for you! I let you live in MY house, I hod you from Dream and took care of you! And what did I get in return?!"

"You said you wouldn't destroy L'manburg!" Tommy yelled back at him, tears in the corners of his eyes.

"You knew all along what I was planning, you came along! Don't blame me for doing what was the best!" His voice only grew louder, no trying to get over the explosions.

"You could have talk it out, but now! You had to use violence just like you always do!"

Techno growled, the crown shining in the sun as dust started floating around him. With his axe in hand, he raised it at Tommy and their eyes locked together in an endless fight of who would look away first.

"Talking won't solve anything! People never listen, they only hear what they want to hear. Nothing more!"

Tommy pulled his own sword out, gripping both hands around the handle.

"You could be a hero, team up against Dream and everything would be alright!" He yelled. 

Techno was losing his patience, finally swinging the axe in his hand and taking a step forward.

"You always pretend you're a hero. You know what? I can help you achieve it" he said, a smile turning up on his face. "You want to be a hero Tommy?! THEN DIE LIKE ONE!"

He felt no guilt, he shouldn't have. Betrayal for betrayal. Pain for pain.
They were no family if they back stabbed him.

・.。.:* *.:。.・

Psychosis was a strange guy, who's obsession could get the best of him. Everyone knew that getting in between him and his possession was something stupid to do so. His rage doesn't know the end, the revenge is only thing he ever thinks about. And if his rage was focused on someone, the only thing that would save them was suicide. Because the man wouldn't stop, even if that someone traveled to another country. He would send his men after them, make them hunt him and bring back to him. And then, no mercy was an option.
The tortures, pain and abuse was like a living hell with no day or night of rest. He would have fun, he would laught and enjoy their pain and screams and pleads to already end their suffering. They would end only when Psychosis was either bored or the person was beat up to the point where they couldn't move a finger. Only then, Psychosis would use his quirk to end their pathetic lives, leaving their teared body somewhere in the forest for police to find.

Tommy was unfortunately another one of his obsessions and Kuch to Psychosis' rage, the kid was under the care of Pro Heroes. Of course, that wouldn't stop him and it only meant more fun for him. Because shedding blood was something he loved.
And the fact that The winged Pro Hero was so close to his dear possession was angering him even more, if it was even possible. They were so close, so familiar with each other and friendly. It made him sick, so angry and all he could see was red.

And even now, sitting in a room before a pool of blood and countless corpses laying all around him he couldn't get enough. With brains and other guts surrounding him, covered in blood and  a black moisture, he was not satisfied. He just sat there, muttering to himself the whole time. His words were companied by moans of pain, few of his men still somehow alive as he not bothered to finish them off.

"He will try to steal him from me. I have to stop him.." he muttered his, eyes wide and shaking like he was going crazy.

"Even if it means hurting him?" One of his best people's asked, who stood by his side unphazed.

"Even if it means dragging him here, forcing into behaving and training like a dog. Once he's mine, he won't go back to those who call themselves Heroes. He will stay with me" he laughed to himself, the laughter growing louder with every passing second.

"And what about the Heroes who are with him?" The same man asked, body still and mask unmoving.

"I will send him to the void so he can meet the God's personally"

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