Tell me more

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Quackity knew the truth. Dream knew he knew, Technoblade realized it sooner than later and Quackity just knew. And he knew that Punz knew.
As much as he loved paying Dream regular visits and make sure he never got bored, his patience was running short. After all, a man could only have so little patience.
It just happened that during one visit as Quackity stood over Dream with that sincere smile and his face covered in blood, Quackity didn't bother to give him the healing potion. And Dream knew something was up a d he couldn't help the shivers that run down his back.

"What did you do?" Dream asked, voice quieter than before which wasn't a surprise.

"Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer for, Dreamy. Besides, you already know who's going to visit you" he said, bored expression only making things even worse.

And just as he said that, the last slowly started falling down. Quackity moved away from Dream to give him the full view of the entrance to his cell and only smiled in satisfaction when three new figures entered the room.
Technoblade walked in just like always, with a little bit of blood staining his white shirt. He locked his red eyes with Quackity's and nodded slightly, before moving to the side. And such a beautiful image could never be created again.
Sam wielding a Trident in one hand and the other gripping Punz's shirt, walked inside and a shadow casted over his face. With no trouble, he tossed the body somewhere in the cell, a dull thud echoing through the dark walls. As soon as the lava came down back, Sam moved to stand by the exit with Technoblade in the other corner.
Quackity only watched Dream and how his expression change from one full ot pain and hatred into something more like fear. He chuckled to himself, the satisfaction clear in his voice.

"Would you like at that~ You're not that confident now, are you?" Quackity asked as his smile gree bigger when Dream glared at him from the floor.

Before anyone could say anything, groans of pain filled the room and a rustling sound of moving could be heard. In the corner of his eye, Quackity watched how Punz opened his eyes and grimaced in pain. There was a fresh wound on his head with blood freely dripping down his neck, eyes glazed and unfocused.
To think that such a string man like Punz was whining on the floor pathetically, looking like a wild dog mauled him to death. As he slowly collected his senses and finally realized where he was, the first reaction was to sit up. But as he moved an inch, he was forced to the ground by no one else than Sam and his trident. The same trident that almost pierced his skull if it wasn't for the quick dodge.

"Punz? Punz!" Dream said, trying to keep his voice as a whisper but failing miserably as Quackity easily picked up on it.

"If I didn't know better, I would actually think you care about someone else than yourself" Dream's green eyes three daggers at him, but cautiously moved in Punz's direction.

And oh, was that his mistake.

Dream did care about someone in the end. He had an attachment just like everyone else. His dear friend.

"Oh, wait. You actually care about him? You care about that little human?" There was a silence filled with only Punz's moans of pain.

And then there was laughed, because that was hilarious. Dream, a guy who took everything that anyone ever cared about and destroyed it, actually had his own attachment? Even after swearing that having an attachment was the biggest mistake you could ever make and saying that he himself would not be so stupid?
Who would think that the mighty god that Dream called himself would find himself in a situation where he would worry about his friend..

"Alright Dream, here's the deal. You tell me everything that was in the revival book or I take matters in my own hands and force them out of Punz. You're choice" Quackity said with a cherry voice, letting himself sit on the edge of the bed with his legs crossed.

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