Wicked smiles and broken tears

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He hated feeling cold. Who even came up with something like that? It was cold, his body was shivering, teeth clanking and his thoughts all over the place.
He was seated in front of the small fireplace with few blankets wrapped around his body, slowly warming his body up. He held a small cup of hot chocolate, trying to keep his fingers warm since he couldn't hide them under the fluffy covers.
If the covers weren't enough, which they weren't, there was also Hawks who sat behind Tommy, his wings sneaking around his 'cocoon' to prevent even more warmth. His head was resting against Tommy's shoulder, flinching whenever Tommy twitched from the chilly air.

It all happened during his fight with Todoroki and even if Tommy knew he was already tired and his quirk wasn't at it's fullest, he still tried to put up a fight. He was able to land few hits on the other boy, leaving a bruise on his cheek and a cut on his Arm. But Todoroki was well rested and he put everything he had in his elf to that fight. Hence why Tommy was feeling like a ice statue, due to his whole body being stuck in ice for what seemed like hours, which in reality was just five minutes.
Of course, Todoroki apologized for that and quickly removed the ice (not using his fire side, obviously) and offered to go fetch Aizawa to help Tommy. Tommy dismissed him, shaking like a mad man and instead tried to warm up by himself. That unfortunately was interrupted when Hawks barged into the room and all but lunged at Tommy, wrapping his wings around him.

"Ow-! What the hell are you doing you dipshit?!" He screamed, trying to push the hero away.

"You're freezing! The hell are you still doing here?! You should be warming yourself up, you little stubborn shit!"

"I'm not a little shit-!"

"Then shut up and let me hug you!"

"No! I don't want you hugging me! Fuck off bitch!"

"I won't let go until you're back to normal"

"I am normal!"

"Yet you're like a popsicle!"

It was embarrassing, especially since Todoroki was still there standing and watching it like it was a comedy. Tommy could swear he saw his lips twitch a little, but didn't comment on it since he was busy trying to escape from his prison.
That didn't end well for him, because Hawks tripped and they ended up laying on the floor with Hawks crushing Tommy under his body. At that moment, he let out a squeaky chirp that sounded so pathetic Tommy couldn't help but feel his face heating up before he tried to cover his face with his hands.
It was so cold he stopped struggling after a moment when he felt his body relaxing and eventually accepted the torture. And if he secretly liked it, it was his and his only business.

Meanwhile Hawks took it upon himself to carry Tommy to the living room and force him to settle down on the floor, before threatening to never take him for a flight before leaving to fetch some blankets. And what surprised Todoroki, was the fact that as soon as Hawks brought the blankets, Tommy's eyes sparkle and in less than a minute, there was a small fort in the middle of the room.  A nest, as Hawks explained it to him where him and Tommy sat in comfortably, one snuggling in the other's arms.

"Does he do it often?" Todoroki asked watching Tommy take a careful sip of his chocolate.

"That's a part of his bird nature, so yeah. He has one in his room, one in Aizawa's room and I think one in my apartment too." Hawks said, patting Tommy's head affectionately.


They sat in silence, enjoying the warmth coming from the fireplace and the sweetness of their drinks. It was pleasant, having a day off like this and being able to just lazy around and have some fun. For Todoroki, it was something new and refreshing.
Endeavor wasn't going easy on him and the continuous training was exhausting him both mentally and physically. His father of course didn't care, because if his son was to surpass him, he had to train and be at his best. Sadly the old man was too focused on his desires that he was too blind to notice what really his son wanted. But that was fine. Everything was fine.

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