Your friend

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I apologize for no updates, I had a pretty busy week.
My best friend took me to a Harry Potter themed cafe to celebrate my birthday and I just say, it was awesome. The place was so beautiful and the vibe was great.
I don't deserve someone like her.

Anyways, hope you enjoy and have a good day/night!

・.。.:* *.:。.・

A gentle touch of someone's hand on his brought Tommy back to the reality, pulling him free from the exhaustion. It was soft, caring too. His eyes fluttered open, the bright light forcing him to blink rapidly to get used to it before he was able to glance at the ceiling. It took him a moment to focus on the cracks on it, images focusing and flashing through his mind.
Once he is sure his vision is clear and his eyes can focus, Tommy turns his head around and smiled upon seeing the familiar face.

Todoroki is there, sitting by his bed and staring at him in amusement. Tommy doesn't know what is so amusing to him, but doesn't ask questions. Instead, he focuses on the soft smile that adores Todoroki's face and the way he tilts his head to the side.

"What?" Tommy asks, smiling at the boy who mirrors his gesture, ever so slightly.

"You've been out for some time, why is that?" Todoroki asks, playing with the side of the blanket that Tommy had on his bed.

Tommy only chuckles and continues to stare at his friend with a soft look in his eyes.

"Back in L'manburg, there was a god. Or at least everyone thought there was. Prime was their name. I used to pray to them, call their name and beg for forgiveness. I remember praying for peace, help and for someone to save me. Back then, the God didn't answer my prayers and I guess I stopped believing in him over some time." Tommy explained, hand unconsciously reaching for the white feather that seemed to stick out from the rest. "He visited me and we talked for some time and I found out something new about myself"

"Like?" Todoroki pressed on, curious to know something new about his friend.

"My new quirk. It is a part of his ability, he gave me a piece of it. I don't think he mentioned its name" Tommy hummed, trying to recall is XD had said something about it.

Todoroki nodded, going quiet once again to process the new information.
A power from a God? Great. Excellent even!

"So now you have three quirks." Todoroki added up. "And people thought having two was a blessing"

Tommy laughed, closing his eyes for a second before opening them again, glancing at the floor.
He tried to focus, doing the same thing he did just hours ago. The smallest blue vine,not taller than a few inches, made its way through a small crack in the ground and swung a little. Todoroki looked at it, the pupils of his eyes growing bigger for a second.

"It is cute" He commented, which made Tommy groan in annoyance

They both watched as the vine shrunk in itself and disappeared back in the crack, as if nothing was even there.

"It's not supposed to be cute! It is supposed to be scary! Creepy!" Tommy complained, crossing his arms over his chest and sulking.

"But it is small and small things are cute" Todoroki exclaimed, trying to cheer up his pouting friend.

He looked like a kid, an adorable one at that.

"Who told you that? Midoriya?" Tommy asked, smirking at the confused boy.

"Was it a lie?"

Tommy shook his head, before bursting out laughing.

"I do suppose small things are cute. Not Chihuahuas, they are terrible. But yeah, some small things are pretty adorable" 

The Poisonous Feather // MHA x DSMPWhere stories live. Discover now