Boiling rage

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Again, no shipping in this book. Don't get any weird ideas 😃

・.。.:* *.:。.・

"Alright, that's all I wanted to say" Aizawa murmured, picking up his bag from the floor before glancing at Tommy, who smiled sweetly at him. "You sure you will be alright kid?"

Tommy shook his head with a smile, dismissing him.

"Yeah, don't worry about me too much. I will be fine and if anything happens, I have doctors ready to assist me" he said, trying to reassure his adoptive father for the ninth time that he was going to be alright.

"And remember, if anything happens or you are in danger, you give Hawks a call. Understand?" Aizawa asked, staring at Tommy sternly.

The kid only frowned, wings twitching.

"Is he back already?" He asked, his mind too tired to recall the date his friend was supposed to be back at.

Hawks was sent on a special mission somewhere in the Japan and he was supposed to be gone for a week. Truth to be told, Tommy missed him dearly. But if he was back today, then he would be more than fine.

"He should be back before midnight but if it's urgent, you can always give Mic or Nedzu a call, I'm sure they will assist you" Aizawa said, checking to see if he had everything.

Leaving something behind wouldn't normally be a problem but since it was a school trip, there was no going back. Tommy nodded, keeping it in mind before he looked at his father and smiled.

"Be safe and remember to update me every day in case something exciting happens" Tommy said, his smile growing wider when Aizawa rilled his eyes but nodded nonetheless.

"I promise and if I fail to do do, I'm certain Todoroki will gladly summaries everything up for you" he said before leaning forward and placing ruffling Tommy's hair. "Behave and don't cause any trouble. I will be back sooner than you think. Love you"

Tommy chuckled softly, waving at Aizawa as he made his way towards the door.
With one last glance, he closed the doors behind him and disappeared silently into the hallway. Tommy's eyes stayed focused on the door for a moment, before he sighed and forced his body to lean back, softly landing in the soft mattress.
Left alone to his thoughts, Tommy couldn't help but think back to his encounter with XD, who was still fresh in his head.
It was confusing to him, the fact that the god went as far as offering him a piece of his own power. That he decided to look after him, out of everyone available and he didn't even want anything in return. He could chose George, they were best friends! Or at least he thought they were.. if normal Dream and George were best friends, wouldn't it mean they also were?

The God aopeared less crazy, or at least sane to the point where he didn't try to kill him or just fuck his life up. Just the simple of though of Dream or his look alikes made Tommy sick and his heart pound in his chest as it if was about to explode.
Why he felt so safe and relaxed around XD was a mystery in itself that he wasn't ready to answer to yet. Some things were better left with no answers. And if it meant that he wouldn't end up having a panic attack or breaking down in front of people, then he was fine with it. He would manage. And if the God was to betray him, then it wouldn't change anything. He grew used to it, it was a constant routine in his life. Nothing new.


And that too.

"Sometimes, I feel like you come to me only because you want food. Is that it?" Tommy asked, chuckling at the crow that was resting on his legs.

No treat?

Tommy shook his head, reaching for a piece of some bread and ripping it into smaller pieces. He threw one of them for the crow to catch and it did do elegantly.
They might be elegant, but some of them were rather dumb.

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