What's the problem?

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Ranboo was packing his bag when a low vibration caught his attention, his communicator lighting up for a second before turning off.
With confusion, he placed the bag to the side and slowly made his way towards the thing, careful to not step on anything that was thrown on the ground by him earlier.
His fingers curled around the black item as he sat down on the floor with his back pressed against the wall, turning on the comm.

Philza whispered to you: We might have a problem.

His eyes narrowed as he stared at the words, before he started typing in.

You whisper to Philza: What's the problem? I'm in the middle of doing something.

He didn't have to wait for an answer long, Philza almost imidiatelly answering. It was almost like he was expecting him to answer right away, which wasn't something Phil used to do very often.

Philza whispered to you: Quackity lost his mind

He chuckled, shaking his head before typing once again.

You whisper to Philza: Didn't we all agree that he lost his mind a long time ago?

Philza whispered to you: It seems like he outdid himself this time.

Now this was starting to irritate Ranboo. He was about to push Phil to tell him what was going on when the other starter typing, his answer popping up.

Philza whispered to you: He plans on reviving Tommy.

Ranboo couldn't help but widen his eyes, staring at the screen with open mouth like he saw a ghost. He could feel his hands start to shake and he almost dropped his communicator in the process. He gripped onto it, bringing it close to his chest.

"Reviving.. Tommy?" He asked himself. "That's.. that's great!"

A smiled pulled on the corners of his lips, a smile out stretching on his face and almost reaching his ears.

Philza whispered to you: Ranboo? Are you there?

Philza whispered to you: Is everything alright?

Ranboo ignored the previous and new messages, quickly typing something in.

You whisper to Philza: That's great! We can have Tommy back!

Despite his celebrating, he did notice that Philza started typing before deleting his message and not doing anything for a hot moment. Then, the three dots popped up on his screen.

Philza whispered to you: You too?

He was taken aback by that, confusion written all over his face while his smiled dropped a little.

You whisper to Philza: What do you mean by that? Aren't you happy?

In that one moment, Ranboo was hoping Philza would act like a normal human being and not someone selfish.
Tommy was his son, wasn't he? Why did he act as if Tommy was some random kid that wouldn't stop following him around? It was no secret how Philza treated his children, he didn't even try to hide it himself. The favoritism, neglect and loving only one kid while in reality he had three was funny. And disgusting to say the least.

Philza whispered to you: He should mind him own business. Reviving someone who's not supposed to be alive is like playing with death. Tommy is dead and he should stay that way.

His tail swung behind him more lively now byt not because he was happy nor excited, but because his body was boiling with anger.
Was this guy serious? Did he even know what he was saying?

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