Spiders under your pillow

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I hate myself for updating so little..
The Reaction fic should be updated soon, so don't worry.


・.。.:* *.:。.・

Tommy was used to the pain, how it spread through his whole body and reached every inch of his skin and pulsed along with the beating of his heart. Back in L'manburg, waking up to a sore throat, bruised arm or twisted ankle was a routine that no matter how much he tried, Tommy was unable to stop. Throughout the years, he came to a realization that it will never end and the pain would accompany him till the end of his life - which he didn't suspect would take long despite his young age. And despite dying to an arrow to his skull or being beaten to death, being tortured in exile, fighting withers and whatnot, it did not prepare him for the pain that he would feel just after waking up.

When his consciousness returned to him for the first time, he found himself unable to move and in excruciating pain. His legs throbbed, sore and bruised as if a horse ran over him, arms paralyzed and so heavenly heavy he couldn't even lift a finger. His spine felt like it was on fire, bend unnaturally as if it was broken in multiple places.
His face was hurting, a splitting headache making him feel so dizzy and sick he couldn't really see or hear much. There was something dried out on his face and for some reason the first thing he thought about was blood. Why there would be blood or why he was in so much pain was a mystery to him and he wanted to cry.

He wanted to cry so badly, yet nothing would leave him. His body was like frozen in time, no sound or tears escaping. He couldn't open his mouth, even the smallest try making the pain ten times worse than it already was.
His back felt heavy, the wings sitting there weighting more than the weight of his body. He struggled to move them as they laid limply under his body like a useless cape. After some time, he realized he couldn't actually feel them. They added weight, but he couldn't feel where they were attached or how they felt under his body.

Before he could dwell on it too much, the pain forced him back into unconsciousness.

The second time he woke up, the pain subdued a little, yet it was still strong enough to make him wish he would just die. He whimpered, a soft and low voice escaping his cracked lips and he felt blood on his tongue which feeling like cotton in his mouth. His fingers twitched, needles pricking his fingers and the skin under his nails. His head pounded even worse than before, eyes too heavy to open and his legs felt as if they were broken.
A soft chirp slipped past his lips, the walls blocking it.

There was something cold on his forehead, he realized. A cloth, laid there, whether to ease his pain or make it worse he did not know. The cold was soothing, but after so time it began to lose its soothing coldness and water began dripping from it. The drips slipped down his forehead and to his eyes, which felt mildly uncomfortable as he tried to shake his head to get rid of it. At the movement, his spine throbbed and pain shot down his whole body, forcing a sharp thrill of pain to escape his lips.
It was terrible, the way it made him unable to do anything and just lay there, waiting for it to pass.

When it did, he found a hand resting on his head, pushing back his hair and caressing his forehead. The wet cloth was gone and he unconsciously leaned into the cold hand that stopped its movemnt as soon as he moved. He whined pathetically, afraid to move to not trigger another wave of pain. The hand was taken away from his head and someone stood up from the bed that he was lying on and he bit back the saddened chiro that threatened to leave his lips.

"Shh...got yo.." their voice was jard to hear and Tommy struggled to catch the words.

His ears felt like there was cotton stuffed in them, only adding to the irritating pain in his head.

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