Stranger danger?

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The class stayed quiet as they worked on their work, taking notes and listening to their teacher who slowly began to explain the lesson. There was no sound other than the teacher's voice and the sound of their pens moving on the sheet of paper that laid on their desks. They were all deep down in their own thoughts, still paying attention to the class and whatever was said about the current topic.
All except for one. Despite trying his best to pay attention and focus on the words leaving his teacher's lips, Tommy couldn't think straight. His pen was running along the notebook mindlessly, messy hand writing not making any sense in his eyes. It wasn't because he was thinking if something perticular, at the time his mind was running free with no worries. And yet he couldn't help but wonder. He was here for a couple of weeks now, almost a month and yet nothing bad happened. Normally he would be either being hunted down or reminded of every little mistake he made, including things that he couldn't control. And the fact that nothing happened made him feel all weird, forcing his mind to stay on high alert in case someone was about to attack. Principal Nezu told him there was nothing to worry about with the strong protection and traps around the school. It was UA after all, the best hero school in whole Japan. It had to be protected and there was even many pro heroes around.

However Tommy couldn't help but think about all bad scenarios or things that had a chance of happening. Call him paranoid, scared or whatever you want. But after years of experience and many, many wars Tommy learned one thing. Always expect the worst. Even if there was no conflict or anyone around you. He was ambushed too many times in the past when he let his guard down because he thought he was all alone and safe. There was no way he was going to make that mistake again. Hell, he-

"Tommy, please pay attention. It's important" the teacher's voice brought him back to reality.

He chuckled awkwardly, before speaking up.

"Sorry sensei, it won't happen again" He said, bowing his head in apology at which the teacher nodded and turned back to the white board.

Tommy let out a safe sigh, placing his head back on his hands. He felt someone looking at him, so without lifting his head up, he glanced around the class. And sure enough, someone was looking at him. They stared at each other, pair of blue eyes staring deep into a pair of red ones. Oh, it was the angry Pomeranian. What a nice surprise. Tommy gave him his infamous shit eating grin, before turning his head to the front of the class. He heard quiet and small explosions and smiled even wider, eyes shining mischievously.

"Bakugou, don't use your quirk during my class!" The teacher scolded him, earning a harsh glare and scoff in return.

Tommy only shook his head in amusement as he closed his eyes for a split second, trying to clear his mind and finally focus on the class. This time it actually worked.

・.。.:* *.:。.・

The class came to an end rather fast, allowing the students to leave school and go back home. Some went individual and some in groups since they had the same train or just lived close by. Tommy unfortunately had to take the train, which wasn't something he enjoyed. It was still new to him how everything worked and trains didn't seem like the greatest thing for traveling. Sure, it was quick and cheap but also crowded and he really didn't want to end up being squished between a group of people.
The good thing was that Aizawa gave him a pair of headphones and an old phone so if he even needed something he could text him or call. And he thankful for the headphones when he discovered a music app, which he surprisingly enjoyed. He picked out a random one And let it play in his ears as he walked down the path. Aizawa made sure to show him the way and at which station to get off since he wouldn't be able to always pick him up or drive back home.
The walk was quiet, despite the music flowing through his ears as he hummed quietly. He passed some people on his way, ignoring their presence and sometimes bowing his head when he saw an elderly person.

He reached the train station in no time and upon glancing at the huge clock on the tower, he realized he still had over half of hour before the train would even arrive. He sighed, before quickly looking around to check if there was something interesting to do. As it seemed there was a small shop with snacks and some hot food. Snacks it is. He pulled out one of his headphones and swiftly made his way towards the shop. He was quick to approach the glassy doors and when he pushed then open, a small ring informed the cashier about his appearance. It was informed as he closed the doors and disappeared in one of the alley's. The shop was surprisingly big, full of shelf's that had everything you could possibly need and even more. There were fruits, vegetables, some things for every day use and normal groceries. He skipped past them all, setting his eyes on the part of the store that included snacks. Sweet, spicy, bitter and sour. He stared at it all, complaining to himself what he should pick. There was so many things he had never tried before and it kinda overwhelmed him.

"I would suggest this, it's really good"

Tommy jumped a little when he heard the hoarse voice next to him, whipping his head around. Next to him stood a young man with black hair and red eyes. He offered Tommy a sicklingly sweet smile, at which Tommy frowned.

"Thanks" he said, before grabbing the said snack from the upper shelf and turned around to leave.

"What's your name?" The guy asked, watching Tommy off and making him stop in his place.

"Why? Planning on stalking me?" Tommy raised an eyebrow at the guy, giving him a judging look.

This guy was literally smelling like troubles. And he did not like it very much.
The black haired boy only laughed, closing his eyes as he waved his hand.

"Of course not! I just wanted to know the name of my new friend" he said, head titled to the side teasingly.

Oh hell no. Tommy wasn't planning on making any more new friends. He was good without friends and if anything, he had the weird bunch of students in his class that stick to him. Instead of giving him his name, he only glared at him.

"First of all, I'm not your friend. And second of all,  I won't tell you my name" Tommy said.

The guy frowned visible as his gaze hardened. His hand shot out and placed itself on his shoulder tightly. He pulled Tommy towards him harshly, which only surprised the boy as a single Yelp escaped his lips. His eyes widened when the guy locked their eyes together.

"You can't do that, I'm just being nice. I swear I just want to know your name. Just tell me and I will leave you alone" he said, the grip on Tommy's shoulder tightening.

"F-fine! My name is Kay" Tommy said, obviously lying through his clenched teeth.

"Alright, thank you! That's literally all I wanted to hear." He chuckled happily, letting go off Tommy as if nothing happened. "My name is Haruto, remember it"

As soon as he turned around, Tommy took a step back in shock. While he was trying to figure out what happened, Haruto was already walking towards the doors with a sly smirk on his face.

"Good try, Tommy.." he whispered to himself, disappeared behind a corner.

Meanwhile Tommy tried to pick himself up, still not able to process what the hell happened. But having no time, he took the snack and walked towards the cash.
When he left the store, his mind was occupied by thoughts once again. Who was that guy? What did he want from him? And why did he need his name?
He wasn't here for a long time and yet something weird already happened. God, he was going to regret that trip to the shop, wasn't he?

"Fucking hell, can't even relax anymore" he said as he put the headphones back in his ears. "Stupid bastard"

Still after all of that, he simply sat down at the free bench and proceed to eat his snack while listening to random music. No way a random guy he net in the shop was going to destroy his evening. Hell no.
He brushed his wings with his free hand, pulling softly at the blue feathers. This reminded him to clean them once he got home. But doing this alone would take a hell out of time. He could always force Aizawa to help him, unless Hawks somehow showed up. Still, he didn't trust anyone else more than Aizawa at this point.

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