Meaningless words

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"And why should I help you?" The mighty being asked, their voice carried by the cold air.

"I cannot offer you anything as of right now, but I can promise you that once I'm out, those who you care about will be safe and away from any harm" the masked man said, a mischievous grin on his face.

"How can I be so sure that your speaking the truth? I have watched you for a pong time now, I have seen things that no human being would do, yet here you are. A man who made promises he couldn't keep, broke the law and never faced the consequences until now. You are one sly, dangerous man." His voice thundered across the room, walls shaking from his powerful tongue.

"How can you accuse me of such things?"

"Lying doesn't suit you, Dream. The manipulation is clear in your eyes and your words are betraying you."

Dream only chuckled, staring at the creature in front of him that stood tall and proud. It was a pity someone mighty like him was so stupid and blind.
Going as far as befriending a human and growing attached to them was his greatest mistake. He himself did that too, but it was easier for him to forget that attachment and carry on with his plans.

"I'm surprised a god being like you bothered to look after a child like him. He was utterly pathetic and naive, anyone with a brain would realize it was all a lie and that it was the best to obey. But Tommy? He always had to do things his way and that was the reason of his down fall." He explained, pacing around the room with his arms behind his back.

"You murdered that kid with your own hands, his blood is staining you and your clothes. No matter what you do or say, you will be the cause of his death. No lies will clear your being of such cruelty" The god, by the name of DreamXD said, looking away from the excuse of a man, two halos floating around his head.

Dream then laughed, he laughed so loud the god was sure that the other prisoner could hear him just fine. He felt pity for the other man, but he did not bother listening to him. The man wasn't innocent and with the Egg controlling his mind, he was no better. He supposed it was best for everybody if he was locked up somewhere hidden, where no one could get in or out.
However it seemed like Dream couldn't understand that fact.

"Look at you! Now being so fond of that child. Let me ask you, where were you when he prayed for your help? When he called out for you to help him, to come and save him like the god you are. I will tell you where you were. You were busy entertaining other mortal who only used you for your riches." Dream spat, looking up at the god and smirking when the god seemed taken aback. "Poor Tommy would pray all night, hoping that his beloved god would show up and help or at least offer a blessing. But guess what! Not only did he not show up, he also took a form that of his abuser! Who's the monster now, huh?! Tell me!"

XD stared at him from behind his mask, the halos floating not bothered. His two pair of wings fluttered on his back, anger creeping down his back.
This mere mortal was in no place to talk about him nor the human he came to adore.
He was aware of the human child praying to him and pleading for help. But if he wished, he couldn't do anything to help the kid. He was already blessed by another god, the mark clear and bright in his heart. He was in no place to change that mark, the higher ranks making sure he stayed away from the kid.
Instead, he blessed other mortal that appeared to be close with the human child. That However turned out to be a false information, because the man was nowhere close to that child and never bothered to speak to him.
He was lazy, often sleeping and not doing anything productive. XD wondered how that boy even managed to survive for so long.

"I cannot change the past nor the future. I was prevented from engaging in any way with that kid, you would understand if it wasn't for your lost cause. After all, you stood among us years ago too." XD said, scoffing at the man who tried to tick him off.

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