Don't let the lies fool you

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Don't be surprised if this books ends up with over 100 chapters 😐

・.。.:* *.:。.

Tommy was used to agression, physical or verbal and it didn't intimidate him anymore. There was a time when younger Tommy would get scared, run to find a shield or someone to help him. But this Tommy? The one who survived death and never feared to stood up against his enemy? He knew no fear and fear didn't know him. That was the one thing that made him stronger than his friends. They were scared, scared to stand up for themselves or speak out loud their minds and thoughts. They cowered in fear, obeying everything the strongest said. Maybe that's why they never visited Tommy or didn't bother to help him when he was exiled.
Dream was someone to be scared of because he had nothing to lose. He had gods on his side, which Tommy though as stupid. He himself knew few gods and they vowed to never let someone like Dream control their powers. Even Drista, who was Dream's sister had her own mind and control. Being the Goddess of Chaos she never listened and the rules didn't occur her. She was her own God, chosing to stay out of everything and rarely show herself to mortals. Tommy till this day couldn't understand why she chose him over everyone else. But as she said, he was outstanding to her. She never saw anyone stand up to her brother, break his rules or even go as far as taking two of his lives.
And maybe that's what kept him going. He almost broke and let Dream take over, but his mind protected itself on its own. Even if Tommy was unconscious or on the edge of death, Dream not once could take over his mind.

But Bakugou was different. He wasn't manipulative, he didn't want all the power to himself. He just wanted to be the best. And Tommy would be lie if he said he never did that too. Everyone had that hunger for power, some weaker and some stronger.
He had his quirk, the ability to create explosions and Dream only had a sword and his words. Tommy knew Dream for a long time, even before he became the man he was now. Bakugou was a different story, something yet to be told and Tommy felt like he would cover a lot of pages.
The thing was, Tommy wasn't sure if his chances against Bakugou were as high as against Dream.

And while they stared each other down like two predators, none knew who would be the winner of the eventual confrontation. Tommy was never the one to back down but Bakugou had a sharper tongue. That only meant it would be more interesting.

"So, what brings you here? Felt lonely and decided to pay me a little visit?" Tommy asked with a snarky comment, lips quirking up a little.

Bakugou only growled, hands clenching in fists as some sparks came to life.
His face was full of annoyance and what Tommy could read as hatred.

"I'M NOT LONELY!" Bakugou's voice carried on with the wind, loud enough for Tommy to understand every single word. "Just wanted to make sure you weren't chickening out, bird brain!"

"What makes you think I would chicken out?" Tommy asked, forcing his body to stand up and continue to stare at the view in front of him.

There was a little patience left in both of them. In Tommy, because he was already tired and being called a bird brain was totally uncalled for. Bakugou, because he just wanted to know what was wrong with his classmate.

"Because you're weak" Bakugou spat, voice low and demanding answers. "What can wings give you? Fly around and hope to make your enemies feel bad for you?"

Tommy only then turned around to face the blond, a small smile never wearing off and eyes empty of anything. Bakugou often liked to see people irritated or full of emotions that he caused. It was a boost for his ego, which only made him go further. But then there was Tommy who was like a piece of puzzles. Something mysterious that made you want to discover it more, but you were scared to do so.

"Well, you have to use your explosions to attack from the air. I of course can use my wings to do so and not waste too much energy while doing so. Not speaking about being faster and more.. experienced." Tommy said, closing his eyes foe a second. "Unless.. you're jealous?"

Tommy liked to edge people, often in a joking matter ans he rarely was serious about what he said.

ut sometimes, just occasionally it was fun to see them turn red from anger and just try to come up with something to fire back at him. Tommy also liked to think he was good at it.

"I AM NOT JEALOUS YOU EXTRA!" Tommy Wondered how louder could this pomeranian get.. "AND I CAN EASILY OVERPOWER SOME WEAKLING LIKE YOU!"

Tommy laughed, doubling over to hold his stomach. Did he hear correctly? Or was his brain playing tricks on him? This kid thought he was better?

"Oh p-please! Y-you really thought you're better?!" He could barely speak in between his laughing fits, his lungs screaming for some air only to be ignored.

He was sure his whole face was red from the laughing, stomach hurting to the point where he had to hold it and try to calm down.

"What?! You think you're so mighty with your witchy quirk?!" Bakugou yelled, taking few steps closer and stoping only when Tommy put his hand in the air, finally calming down.

He took a few deep breaths in and out, straightening out to his full height and easily towering above the red eyed male. With a smile still on his face Tommy leaned his face closer to Bakugou's, a mocking expression matching Bakugou's angry one.

"Don't call me a witch, dipshit. Just accept the fact that I'm stronger than you" and Tommy took a step back, feeling proud of himself all of a sudden.

Bakugou only stared back at him in shock, before gritting his teeth and a snarl breaking out. He thrust his hand out, a small explosion flying in Tommy's direction. But Tommy was prepared, pulling out the potion of invisibility and inhumanly fast drinking it down. Bakugou could only look around when his explosuons didn't hit anything and there was no trace of Tommy.
Meanwhile the 16 yards old silently made his way around Bakugou, chugging down nother potion which was Strength. Without any issues, he gripped Bakugou by his shoulder and pulled back, easily making him trip over his own feet.
The teen who caught of guard barely managed to position himself back on the ground, another explosions going off in hope to hot Tommy. But he was quicker, dropping to the ground and using his legs to kick Bakugou in the knees and send him to the ground.

"You little-!" He didn't have time to end whatever he tried to say before he felt something heavy on his chest.

And as he came to realization when the potions slowly came off, it was Tommy's both pressed against his chest and pushing him in the ground. Then suddenly, Bakugou felt his body growing heavy and weak. It was hard to move his arms of legs and he realize what happened too late. He looked up only to see Tommy with a small bottle in hand, dark purple colour glooming inside the glass.

"Potion of weakness, easy to make but really useful. Shouldn't be underestimated." Tommy said, putting the potion away and letting Bakugou go.

The boy struggled to stand up but managed to do so after few tries, cursing out Tommy all the way. He couldn't help but watch and laugh, shaking his head at the scene.

"Remember Bakugou, I was born in hell and I won't hesitate to bring you one" Tommy snarled, wings outstretching before he took a step back and made his way around Bakugou. "And don't call me a bird brain ever again"

With that, he took off into the sky, increasing speed as he left the school behind.
Bakugou only watched, the anger still boiling inside of him before he decided to go back inside. And when he came back, questions seemed to fly his way.
But he ignored them just like he ignored the weird look he received from Uraraka.

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