Snapping threads

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So as you probably noticed, I haven't been updating regularly for the past few weeks and it's due to the fact that I don't have as much of a free time as I would like to. I also have a lot of things to take care of, like school and my private life so I won't be able to update every two days.
Instead, I will update every three days or so. I hope you understand and that you will enjoy the book nonetheless!

Have a good day/night and I love you all!

・.。.:* *.:。.・

There was still a lot of time before the Festival would start after Tommy joined both of his teachers in the separate room where they could easily watch the whole festival without any troubles. The view was perfect and Tommy could move around freely, being able to observe every corner and anyone he wanted. And despite not being able to participate, he still found himself pacing around the room. Present Mic gave him a concerned look but he dismissed it by saying that he was fine just nervous for Todoroki. And that, of course, was the truth. He could effortlessly spot Endeavor in the crowd, the flaming hero easy to catch and only stupid wouldn't notice the bastard. Knowing the truth behind Endeavors doing and all that 'training', Tommy knew the man wanted to see two things. Todoroki winning and him using his fire side.
Still, Tommy felt satisfied with himself after their first meeting.

"Weren't you supposed to go and wish Todoroki good luck?" Aizawa asked, his bandaged face turning in Tommy's direction.

Tommy nodded, looking out the huge window to see if anything was going on.

"Yeah but I don't want to distract him or something. Plus, I wanted to get food too.." Tommy whispered, head lowering softly.

"Hawks gave you money earlier, didn't he? You can always use it on food" Aizawa said, turning back around to face the window.

Tommy stood there for a moment before a small sound of realization slipped from his lips. Hawks made sure to give him a lot of money before he left the house.
And with the sweet idea in his mind, he was quick to turn around and head for the small doors at the back of the room.

"Hey, little listener! Don't forget to grab me something!" Present Mic shouted, sending Tommy a wink.

The kid visibly flinched at the loud voice but relaxed, remembering there was nothing to worry about. Instead he smiled and nodded, before throwing the doors open and leaving. Mic frowned and glanced at Aizawa, questioning marks appearing around his head.

"What's up with all the flinching?" He asked, leaning over to the black haired man.

"Doesn't matter, all that you should worry about now is to make sure you don't use your quirk around him too much. We're still not sure what else triggers him.." Aizawa trailed off, eyes distant.

Mic kept staring at him for a moment before he nodded, taking a sip from his cup.
That kid was hell of a mystery, wasn't he?

Meanwhile Tommy was on his way to the waiting room where his class was supposed to be, running down the stairs quickly. He wasn't scared of tripping, ready to open his wings and fly down the rest in case something went wrong.

t did take him some time to reach the place, especially since he wasn't even sure if he was walking in the correct direction. But when he finally found the doors, he didn't bother to knock and just walked straight in. Imidiatelly, many pairs of eyes looked in his direction and he was met with many reactions. Some shocked, some disgusted and some simply angry. He informed them all, instead scanning the room in search of Todoroki.

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