Grumpy Bird

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Sorry for a late update, was visiting some family and had no time to write anything.

・.。.:* *.:。.・

"Show me what you've got!" Hawks yelled, crouching on the ground and placing his hands on the cold floor.

"With pleasure~" Tommy called back, lowering himself to the ground just like Hawks did but kept his one hand on the air.

The sword in his hand reflected the light that kept shining through the windows, the blade capturing Hawks eyes as they glared in Tommy's direction. Two pairs of wings ready to take off, both tense and opened to their full length. It was to intimidate the other, to show off that they were bigger and better. But since both of them were avians and both were born to do this, it was anything but intimidating.
Back in L'manburg, Tommy could use the fact that he was one of only two avians and use it as an advantage to appear more scary. To seem more intimidating while fighting while in reality, he was more scared and confident. Sure, he had the experience. He knew how things worked, he has seen many things, he knew all fighting techniques there were. He was born to fight, to kill and bring destruction wherever he went. People expected him to be tough, the strongest and be able to take someone out with no problem at all.

But it seemed like they always forget that he was nothing more but a child. A child who didn't know anything but fighting and training. A child who never had the chance to experience a normal childhood and grow up like a normal kid would. Because he was just a killing machine and nothing more. That's what Technoblade taught him.

"You're not here to make friends Tommy, you're here to kill them"

That's what Dream told him.

"You're nothing without a master. Just some dumb kid who's job is to kill and nothing more"

And that's what Wilbur taught him.

"Everybody have their weakness. For you, it's a chance"

And that's what Aizawa tried to make him forget. But alas, it wasn't something you could forget about. Only move on.

And training sessions like that with Hawks brought him satisfaction, made him feel free. Because he could spar with someone he cared about and be sure that if he ever get's hurt, someone will be there to help him clean his wounds and wrap them up for him and make sure he gets enough rest.
For him, that was something he loved.

And even when Hawks pushed his feet off of the ground and lunged into the air, he followed him. He used all his strength to push his feet off of the ground, throwing himself into the air only to stay there after using his wings to carry himself. Hawks, being the predator took it upon himself to approach Tommy, keeping a safe distance between them both as he used some of his feathers to morph then into a sword, one that was familiar to the one Tommy wielded.
Tommy on the other hand flew a little higher before gaining some speed and going for the attack. Suspecting it, Hawks flew to the side and went for his own attack and trying to land it in Tommy's back but the boy was quick to turn around mid air and block the incoming sword. Once again, they left some distance between each other before Hawks sent some feathers Tommy's way. The parrot easily dodged them, making sure to watch out for them since Hawks didn't call them back.
A small bottle with dark green liquid inside materialized in his hand, him holding it firmly but carefully to not accidentally break the bottle. He waited for the exact moment when Hawks lunged at him again, his sword inches away from his face before he decided to do anything. Using his own sword, Tommy blocked Hawks and pushed him away before aiming and throwing the bottle at him. Hawks out of instinct swung his sword to cut through the threat which was his first mistake. Just when the bottle shattered from the sudden impact, the green liquid successfully stained Hawks body, slowly soaking through his clothes and once it made contact with his skin, the potion took it's effect. The smell was sickening and the odd warm feeling creeping in his chest made him gag silently, hand reaching to cover his mouth.

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