Sing birdie

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A reason why author is stupid: I was in a hurry and poured some hot water from a teapot and forgot to check it's temperature. I burnt my tongue so bad it still hurts but it's getting better!
Lesson for future, never forget to check the Waters temperature, even if you're in a hurry.

Also, I love cliffhangers ;)

Have a good day/night 😊

・.。.:* *.:。.・

The tension was so thick that even a knife wouldn't be able to cut through it. With a furious Aizawa who's sharp glance told more than anything else and his towering figure over them, it was clear that he wasn't very happy. Whatever it was, it had to be serious to the point where he didn't let them speak a word.
And as they sat on the chairs and tables, with he man near the doors right in front of them, blocking their only exit, it was only getting worse.
And when he finally decided to speak, his voice was low and far from soft.

"Anyone wants to explain? Or are you going to pretend that you are all innocent?" He asked, eyes looking over everyone but stopping on Todoroki for a second.

"Is something wrong Mr. Aizawa? Did something happen?" Asked Momo, her head popping out from behind her classmates who had questioning looks on their faces.

Aizawa shook his head, arms crossed over his chest in disbelief.

"So you're going to act dumb?" He asked and silence followed before he scoffed. "I don't want to raise Heroes who can't admit to doing something. So if you want to continue studying at UA and not get expelled, you better start explaining. Now."

The class looked away from Aizawa, whispered filling the room as they talked among each other. The question still hanging in the air, each uncertain about the situation. Finally, Iida spoke up as the class president.

"We are really sorry sir, but I'm not quite sure we know what you are talking about right now" he said, waving his heads in a robotic manner.

It was the hard way, then. Just like he expected.

"Todoroki called me earlier to tell me about what happened. Apparently, one of you decided it was a good idea to.. how can I say this? Insult and humiliate another classmate of yours" he said.

Simple as that.
All they had to do was admit to what they have done and apologize. That's all he wanted. And if they did not, he had something ready for them. Something that would keep them in check and make sure they realize that what they did was uncalled for.
Maybe it was unfair, but Aizawa never cared about rules. Nedzu could call him out, fire him even. But as long as Tommy wasn't treated with the respect he deserved, Aizawa would not just stand back and watch. He was no Phil, nor Wilbur. He wasn't Dream, who wanted to only bring pain. He was no Sam.
He was one of few people that Tommy believed and could place all his trust in. And if he had no one left, then who would keep him on the right track? Who would make sure he ate healthy and kept his wings in a good state.
Cause if Tommy ends up in the same state that he got here in, then that would mean he failed him. And Aizawa didn't want to fail another person.

"I'm pretty sure you all know what I'm talking about." He stated but when the silence was all he got, he sighed. "Fight with Tommy, does that ring a bell in your empty heads?"

He could see the realization flash in his students eyes. He watched them slowly realize and then sulk. Only then did he understand. They were nowhere close being guilty. Not even a little, from what it seems like.

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