Sweet Nightmares

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God, this is turning out worse than I would like. Sorry if this book will be too long and boring, but I've some plots that I want to include which needs some more scenes.
Anyways, hope you enjoy!

・.。.:* *.:。.・

It didn't take a lot of time for Tommy to fall back asleep, being tired from both the pain and from exhaustion that was an side effect of using healing potion on his wings. At first he was afraid to fall asleep, haunted by the same nightmares and fear of waking up alone. But this time, with Hawks on his side, he let his guard down and slept peacefully with sweet dreams swirling in his head endlessly. A pair of red and string wings sneaked around his body, holding him close and preventing from falling off the bed. His own wings were tucked under the blankets, careful to not damage them nor mess up the feathers more than they were already.
And while Tommy slept, Hawks run his hand through his locks carefully, playing with them in a calming motion. His eyes locked on the window, staring out of it mindlessly almost like he doze off. He wasn't thinking about anything in perticular, mostly clearing his head from any thoughts that tried to creep in. Sure, he was mad. Pissed off, if you can say. But he was a hero and he couldn't let his emotions take over. He did the most important thing, which was calming Tommy down and making sure he was okay before even focusing on anything else, which was the current situation.

Tommy was panicking, because of Aizawa as the whole classmate thing. Listening to two sides of the story was always important ans it seemed like Aizawa wasn't so kin on listening to Tommy's side. Surely, he knew how each of his students acted and knew how they could act. With Tommy it was a different situation. They were still learning how to act around him, what to say and what avoid to not trigger him. Maybe it would be easier if he would tell them, but they did not want to put more pressure on him than they already did. Hell, they made him uncomfortable way too many times and the last Hawks could do was prevent him some comfort, since it seemed like no one else did in the past.

"I don't know what they did to you back there, but I promise we will help you. And if there's a day when you will get hurt, I'll be there for you. Always" he said, wrapping his wings tighter around the boy as his instincts kicked in.

Tommy only moved a little, a small chirp escaping his parter lips still sleeping soundly. Hawks smiled, closing his eyes before finally drifting off to sleep.

And maybe he did fail to notice the way the doors slowly closed, the person behind them disappearing in the shadows of the room.

・.。.:* *.:。.・

The morning sun creeped inside the room, lighting it up and leaving a smug of light on the bed, where the young boy was lying still under the covers.
Feeling the sudden warm, he scrunched his nose before pulling the covers over his head so only his hairs were visible. It was too early to wake up but he soon realized he wasn't going to get any more sleep. The windows were uncovered, allowing the outside life to have a look at him and forcefully pull him out of the bed. Maybe it was the annoying sun that shun right at his face, or maybe the small bird that decided it was a great moment to start pecking at his window. Either way, he pushed the heavy blanket off of him with a swift motion, wings flapping tiredly to get rid of the sore feeling in his bones. And then, he let them fall to his back lifelessly while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He hated waking up in the morning.

"God, please kill me.." he mumbled to himself, hoisting himself up and onto his hands. He reached over to the nightstand and gripped his phone, easily turning it off and getting blinded by the bright white light. "Jesus fucking Christ!"

He, once again, threw the phone somewhere on his pillow and forced his body to sit up. Was he getting old or getting out of bed was always this hard? He couldn't point it out, instead standing up and walking towards the door, picking up random clothes off of the ground and throwing them over his shoulder. This could do.
When he was about to leave the room, he noted the fact he forgot his uniform and quickly turned around to retrieve it, before finally being able to leave his bedroom. And the moment he opened the doors to the hall, he could smell something delicious. It was a familiar scent in a way, but more sweeter and aromatic. He knew he had it multiple times, when Philza was home he would make it for all of them and they would eat it like a normal family. But it was years ago, when he was still a young kid, so he couldn't figure it out. 

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