Not worth the save

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Sorry of it didn't turn out as good, I didn't have time to rewatch the episode so I was improvising. I don't feel proud about this one, but we gotta live.

・.。.:* *.:。.・

Aizawa moved quickly, always looking in every direction and keeping his surrounding safe. The grey scarf was flying around, wrapping around villains and easily knocking them out. He made it look easy, like he was barely doing anything. Maybe it tired him out, but we hold his ground and didn't stop.
There were more villains coming and he took them all out, throwing in the air and colliding with each other. His quirk was long activated, weakening the enemy and stealing their own quirks.

He was great at hand in hand combat, using his advantage and all training he ever did. And the villains kept coming, appearing from the purple smoke.
And Aizawa knew that he will have to put everything he has to win.

So when he noticed the blue haired villain with a hand on his face, he got ready to fight the boss.
He tried to block the attack, pulling the capturing weapon in front of him and ready to attack.
The two jumped at each other, imidiatelly using all they've got to push the other away.
And even if Aizawa tried to keep himself away from he villain's quirk, it was not easy. The guy was strong, probably killed many other heroes or civilians. They exchanged hits, moving back and forth. Aizawa let his hair fall back, quirk turning off for a brief moment, which the villain took notice of and took it as his chance. With five fingers, he warped his hand around the Pro's arm. 
And then suddenly, Aizawa felt a sharp pain in his arm. When the realization hit him about what happened, he was quickly to punch the villain in the stomach before jumping back. He let his eyes wander to look at the arm that now was slowly deceasing, before being forced to dodge another incoming attack from a group of villains. He was quick to take them on, despite the agonizing pain in his elbow and took a second to look at the damage. The skin slowly turned into dust, letting the bone stick out with blood dripping down and onto the ground. The pain was miserable, but fortunately the decaying stopped and he was left with only skin on his elbow gone.

And while he was distracted, something approached him from behind. He wasn't even given any time to react, before the villain said something. And then, the weird creature was already too close to do anything. His eyes widened, before his body was harshly grabbed and forced to the ground.
Another wave of pain hit him like a truck, pulling a groan full of pain out of him. He could feel blood dripping down his forehead, arms crushed by the inhuman strength.

"I will tell you, Eraser Head. This is anti-Symbol of Peace, the bioengineered called 'Nomu'. Stronger than All Might and any other Hero." The villain said.

As on command, the Nomu bend Aizawa's hand in wrong direction, only to hear a small crack. And he could only cringe at the sound, his vision blurring a little.

"You can erase quirks. That's wonderful, but it's nothing impressive"

Aizawa could feel his power slipping away, bit he still used all that was left to try and do something. Yet, before he could, there was a shadow flying over them before disappearing. Strange.

And then, out of nowhere, a single bottle with liquid inside was thrown down, easily shattering into pieces in front of the villain. Green particles floated around for a second, before turning black and completely disappearing. Aizawa managed to look up at the villain, before shock took over him.
Shigaraki bent over,  hands holding onto his throat desperately while coughing like crazy.

"Wha-" he gagged, before his body started to tremble and send him to his knees. "What the hell was that?!"

His voice was hoarse, as he made weird noises while groaning in pain. Above them all, a loud laugh ring out. And when Aizawa looked up, he was panicking even more.
Shigaraki forced his body to move and also looked up, before a deep scowl appeared on his face.
There, high in the air was a kid. Blond locks covered his eyes that had a weird blue glow to them, a pair of huge wings moving gently with the wind. There was a small bottle in his hand, which he threw from one hand to the other. All with a mocking smirk on his face.

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