The Bird's return

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The image of Aizawa, who's body was still covered by fresh bandages was not something any of the class 1A was expecting to see that day. Especially as the first thing in the morning, since the classes barely began and they were supposed to have a substitute for the time being. The plans, as it seemed were change in the last second because they weren't informed about any of it.
So it was expected of them to stare at him in shock, as well as concerned for their teacher's well being. Aizawa on the other hand seemed to not be affected too much, limping a little but still lovely as always. If you could describe him in that way anyway.

"So you're all right, Aizawa-sensei?" Iida asked, his hand falling back to his side when the teacher nodded at him.

"You call this 'all right'?" Uraraka whispered to herself, watching how their teacher walked inside the classroom like nothing was wrong.

Aizawa sighed, standing in the middle of the class with bandages falling over his eyes and limiting his vision. The concerned looks from his students were stubborn enough to feel them despite not seeing much.

"You're too much of a hero!" Kaminari said, looking at Kirishima who also looked at him with eye full of amazement.

Aizawa still wondered till this day why did he became a teacher. He did care for this kids either way, right?

"All Right, settle down and be quiet. As you may see, I'm fine." He said, receiving a wave of loud sights of relief. He silenced then quickly and carried on about what he was talking about. "All of you are still probably shaken up after what happened lately, especially with the villains included and everyone in UA understand it. However, the Sports Festival will be held in few months anyway."

The students eyed him for a moment, no one really speaking up. The silence was cut short only when Kaminari raises his hand and was allowed to speak.

"What exactly is the Sport Festival?"

And Aizawa came to conclusions he just wanted to go to sleep and go through it.

"The UA Sports Festival is an event that we hold every year. During that festival, you will have a chance to show off your skills and maybe catch the attention of few Pro Heroes. If one of you stand out to them, they will be up to recruiting you and work with their Hero Agency for some time." Aizawa said, letting his eyes scan the class that was almost full. "You will want to improve in those few months and do your best, so you will have to train. It doesn't matter if you win or not, but try your best."

"So in other words, we want to do everything we can to catch the attention of some Pro Heroes" Sero said, earning a nod from Aizawa which he thanked for and settled down again.

And after that, adding some few more words and answering questions, Aizawa could finally move on and start the lesson.
Yet, as minutes passed and one perticular seat was still empty, he couldn't help but sneak a glance once or twice in the direction of the doors that lead outside of the class.
He was sure he saw the kid before school started, just outside the gates. Where was he now? Did something happen? Maybe someone caught him and stopped him to talk. But he brushed it off and carried on like always.

・.。.:* *.:。.・

It was well past the first half of the first period when the doors cracked open only to close seconds later. The students looked up, curious to see who entered their class and much to their surprise, it was their fellow friend.
Aizawa struggled to open his eyes from the sleeping bag he was currently using, but he sacrificed the few minutes or rest. And it was worth it, because he could feel his heart jump when he noticed who was standing in he doors.

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