Hear the blades cry

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Apologies and I hope you understand.


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Black clouds gathered ahead, another storm brewing to fall upon the ground and soak everything in its path. A strong, cold wind swayed the trees, bending their branches and ripping leaves off, sending them far away. In the distance, a crow cawed loudly, echo carrying its call through the forest and mountains.

Technoblade watched the sky in silence, eyes squinted to better make out the shapes in the distance. A village far ahead spread out for miles, towers towering over the trees. The villagers there worked tirelessly, chopping down trees and planting food, hoping to finish before it starts raining.
His instincts told him to continue forward, to go and reach the end of the path where the mountains met the sky. His heart beat steadily in his chest, calling out to his mother.
His chest felt warm, suddenly feeling lighter as the wind calmed down and a loud call of a crow responded.

Just when Quackity approached him, a small orb materialized in front of him, spinning lazily in the air. The duck hybrid inhaled sharply, staring with wide eyes at the spinning red orb. Technoblade seemed unfazed, reaching out with his hands to embrace his flickering soul. It gave off a pleasant warm feeling as it spun a little quicker, presenting itself for him.
He had never seen it before, only recognizing what it truly was because of his mother's stories that she used to tell them decades ago.

"What is this thing?" Quackity asked, not reaching out despite the desire to do so when he noticed the way Technoblade held it carefully.

"My soul" he said simply. "Mother has always materialized them in the form of an orb. Each has a different color to it."

Quackity put a hand to his heart, slightly amazed and curious as to what his would look like.
Technoblade, noting his reaction, smirked and nudged him in the side.

"I'm sure that if you ask, mother will show you. She has always prided in her work and the souls of people. Said that it was the most beautiful and innocent thing she has ever seen." Technoblade quoted his mother, smirk softening at the thought of her.

"How does Tommy's soul look like?" He asked.

"Blue, like the sky. Innocent and beautiful, almost perfect." The last part was whispered into the cold air as Techno caressed the soul gently.

Quackity hummed, watching the soul flicker and spin in the other man's hands before shrinking and disappearing into thin air. Technoblade's hands fell to his side.

"We are close." he said after a moment of silence. "Go wake up Fundy and we will be on our way. She's waiting."

Quackity hurriedly made his way back to their little set up camp and shook Fundy awake, Technoblade listening to the grumbling and complaints. He smiled, shaking his head as he started the journey once again, leaving the empty camp behind. They would return to it later in the evening to rest and then return to their house, to sum up everything.

As they neared the tall mountains, leaving behind the village after trading some emeralds in exchange for food, the sun slowly descending only to stop at the top to shine through for the last time that day.
The tall trees seemed to loom, caging them from all directions, as if they wanted to shield them from the outside world. The wind continued to tug at their clothes, deeming any attempt at communicating useless, as words would not be able to reach anyone. Fundy, who was forced to lay his ears back against his head was even more so lost, struggled against the loud wind that made his head hurt. It whistled, roared and screamed at them, pushing back and forth, as if uncertain whether it should let them pass or not.

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