What is this pain I feel?

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A little short in comparison with the last chapter but I still hope you will enjoy it!

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"How do you feel now?" The silver haired doctor asked, his bright green pupils staring at his patient.

"I.. don't know" Tommy replied, staring lifelessly at his arms that he held in the air above his head. "I'm not sure how to describe it"

The doctor nodded softly, writing something down in his small notebook or whatever it was before looking back at Tommy.
He woke up a few hours ago without any unpleasant surprises. This time he hasn't freaked out and there was no vines to attack. His eyes glowed a soft blue but as quickly as it appeared, it also disappeared and he was left wide awake. It was weird. The fact that he has woken up, not panicking, not feeling any pain and not asking questions. He opened his eyes, stared at the ceiling and stayed silent. Only when he was asked a question, he turned his head away to look at whoever talked to him before slowly answering. His voice was hoarse from the sleep, words incorrect or hard to understand.
But he appeared to be fine. The wound on his leg was mostly healed but putting any weight on it would cause pain or discomfort. His insides were damage as expected, it wouldn't heal just like that. The doctors healed what they could and the regeneration potion did its job the nest it could. His chest hurt if he tried to inhale a little too much air, heart beating a little faster than normally.

"Could you try to describe it to me? I cannot help you if I don't know what's going on" He said, tapping his pen on the hard surface of his notebook.

Tommy looked at him with dull eyes, mouth opened softly.

"Aren't you a doctor? Shouldn't you know what's wrong with me?" He asked, watching the doctor sigh.

"It is not that easy. Machines can't tell me everything and the patient knows the best how they feel. So tell me Tommy, does anything hurt?" The doctor tried again.

Tommy had to think. When he first woke up, not including the times when he woke up but couldn't remember anything, he didn't feel anything. It was probably due to the fact that his mind was confused and fuzzy.
First, the soreness kicked in and his legs were numb. He couldn't really move them but he was forbidden from moving around too much anyways so he paid it no mind. Second, he had trouble with breathing. But he already told the doctor about it and they couldn't really do anything about it.

The thing is, he couldn't describe how he felt mentally.

"My head is fuzzy and I can't focus on anything. I keep spacing out and it's hard to listen to someone. Even now, I struggle to listen to your questions and it's even harder to answer to them." Tommy tried his best to explain, yet even that was hard.

"And your head? Does it hurt?"

The questions themselves were hiring his yet, he didn't mention it to the doctor.

"No, I don't think so. It does feel a little sore but I suppose it's because of the medication" Tommy said, back to staring at his hands. "My finger feel funny"

"How so?"

"They feel tingly. And they keep twitching randomly. I don't like it. Are you going to amputate them?" He asked without a filter, eyes never leaving his hands.

The doctor shook his head, handing up slowly.

"I promise you we won't have to amputate anything. Your hands will do that but it's only because you damaged your nerves a little. They should be back to normal later today, so don't worry." The doctor said, smiling softly at Tommy before turning to take his leave

Tommy's tired eyes followed him, half closed from the medication kicking in. Why were they forcing him to sleep? He wanted to see his friend.. and dad.

"Daddy?" Tommy asked, looking up at his dad from the floor.

"Yes baby?" His dad asked, offering him a soft smile.

"Do you love me?" He asked, innocent eyes staring up at his dad.

Yet he failed to notice how Philza's smile faded a little, twitching at the corners. He seemed sad for some reason and instead, he softly ruffled his hair, giving it a little kiss.

"Of course I do. You're my son, I will always love you"

"Really?" Tommy asked with hopeful eyes.

"Of course, so don't think otherwise"

No, not Phil. That man was far from being his father. He didn't have the right to call himself like that.
His attention shifted to the window when he noticed something dark move behind the glass and his eyes widened a little. He completely forgot about these guys..

"Hey Mr.Doctor?" He called out, stoping the doctor from leaving. "Could you please open the window a little? It's uncomfortably hot in here"

"Of course, anything to make our patients as comfortable as possible "

He watched the doctor walk towards the window and pull it open, leaving enough space for a bird to sneak inside. He thanked the doctor and watched his leave, a smile on the doctor's face when they locked their eyes for the kast time that day.
Tommy smiled before his attention once again moved towards the window, a small black head peaking out from behind the glass. When the bird made sure it was clear and no one was inside the room expect for his friend, Ghost hopped closer to the opened window and carefully slipped inside.
He made sure to not open the window more in case someone noticed and came by to close it and made his way inside, the warm air hitting his feathers instantly. His small body shook as he hopped further into the room, a small squawk escaping his beak. His head turned in the direction of Tommy's, tilting to the side in curiosity.

"Ghost" Tommy's voice called out, catching the bird's attention who was unsure of the surroundings. "Come here buddy"

He didn't need to say anything else, because Ghost quickly flew over to his bed, perching at the end of his pillow. Tommy reached out to him, carefully petting his feathers. The crow cooed in affection, staring at Tommy with its deep black eyes.

"Thank you for coming to see me" Tommy whispered.

It is my pleasure. It's my job to look after you

Tommy smiled and closed his eyes, his fingers hurried in the soft feathers. Ghost perched on the pillow right by Tommy's cheek, his small head resting on Tommy's face.

"I don't know what I would do without you by my side" Tommy said.

You would live, with or without me you're still strong enough to carry on

"But you're my support. My friend. Someone who cared for me when others didn't" it was cliche, but it was the truth.

I'm happy to hear that

Tommy chuckled, letting himself relax.

"Wake me up if someone comes here" he said, managing to hear the soft hum of the bird.

He smiled and let himself sleep, falling into the depths of darkness.

Sleep well Raven Child. You never know when is the last time you will be able to sleep.
Because no one knows the time of the fall that's about to come.

Good thing Tommy was a heavy sleeper because otherwise he would have been woken up by a bunch of Crows slipping inside his room and perching on shelves, taking over the corners and anything that could hold their weigh. Soon, the whole room was filled with crows that sat high and low, each keeping an eye on the kid. Just like it was supposed to be years ago.

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