In the big black ink

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So, I'm trying to get used to a new phone and writing is a little harder than it should be. You will probably see some mistakes and if you do, please forgive me.
Hope you enjoy!

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Aizawa felt like he was about to lose his mind. They spent hours sitting outside Tommy's room in complete silence, no words spoken and no thoughts shared and with no news about his current state or health.
The hallway was empty, no one else except for them sitting on the chairs. They haven't seen a single nurse get in or out, only doctors rushing by not even giving them time to ask questions. They were brushed aside, the doctors mumbling something about emergency and critical state before they would disappear in the room where Tommy was supposedly being taken care of. It didn't call their racing hearts down and of anything, it only made things worse. Because while they were sitting there uselessly, Tommy could be on the blink of dying, he could be suffering and they wouldn't even know. It was nerve-wracking and with every passing minute, the tension was thicker and more suffocating.

None of them was sure what to say, each word felt inappropriate and painful almost to let out.
That's why Hawks busied himself with preening his wings, pulling out any loose or damage feather and letting them fall to the  ground silently. He looked tense, his feather puffed up. Todoroki simply stared at the ground, his leg bouncing up and down with his hands gripping the sides of his head.
Aizawa on the other hand stood right in front of the small window that was there, eyes narrowed and focused on something that only he could see outside. He easily hid the worry behind his eyes, but he still failed to notice how his hand was shaking. It was like he couldn't control his body, nerves shaking it like he was a puppet. He couldn't help it, it was simply to mich to just stand and pretend everything was okay.

It felt like years before someone finally walked out of the room, mask covering their face and white gloves protecting their hands from germs and other things.
The doctor, who's name was Hisoka, didn't dare to look at any of them, pulling down her mask and breathing out in relief. Her face was drained from colour, eyes tired and lips pulled into a thin line. She used the back of her hand to push the hair away from her forehead, sighing loudly before she finally looked up to make eyes contact with the man who claimed himself as Tommy's father.
Aizawa walked closer with arms crossed over his chest, a harsh frown casting over his face.

"What's with him? Is he okay?" He asked in desperation and despite his eyes being cold, the doctor could see the fear and concern.

"Could be better but we can't complain. His body is severely damaged due to a high level of poison in his blood but it stopped causing any more harm some time ago. It did cause some heavy damage to some of his organs, but fortunately his heart is okay. His vitals are low and he has trouble breaking but I think he will be fine." She said, offering the man a little smile.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became much lighter and they could finally relax a little, but not enough. The worry was still there, the chance of losing him.

"My question to you is, what is his quirk?" She asked, before quickly adding when she received a weird look from the youngest one of them all. "The poison stopped causing any further damage to him and it seems like it just disappeared from his body as if it was never there. And when we checked, some of the damage was gone which left me wondering if one of you used something to heal him. A Quirk perhaps?"

Aizawa looked at Todoroki who was staring silently at the doctor. She did notice the black haired male staring at him so she did the same, offering him a small smile. That seemed to be enough to shake him from his thoughts as je stifled to respond.

"His Quirk ic called Alchemy, Tommy can create any potion he wants. Just before he used poison, he created a potion of regeneration. I remember that Ghost, one of his crows brought it to me when he was already under it's effects. I gave it to him and it slowed the poison down and healed whatever damage was previously done to his body but it wasn't enough to heal everything" Todoroki explains quickly, his words mixing and some of them incorrect but he got his point across.

The Poisonous Feather // MHA x DSMPWhere stories live. Discover now