Secret love child

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Know my mercy, here's some fluff 😃
Better enjoy it or else there won't be any

・.。.:* *.:。.・

It felt like forever before a much needed slumber downed on Tommy, bringing him into the arms of darkness that he gladly welcomed. When he closed his eyes and his body slumped against Aizawa, who's arms were still holding him comfortably against his chest, his breath evened out and tears stopped flowing down his face.
His now legal parent let out a breath that he didn't seem to notice he was holding, before gently kissing the top of Tommy's head. It was no problem for him to gently slip his arm under the kid's knees and one under his head to support it before pulling himself up.
Todoroki moved to the side to give him some space, their eyes locking together for a hot second and neither looking away.

"Come on, I will show you where the bathroom is and then take you to the room where you will be sleeping" Aizawa mumbled, making sure Tommy was steady in his arms before moving for the stairs.

Todoroki followed his figure for a moment in confusion, eyes narrowing as he couldn't really grasp what was being said to him.

"What? Are you deaf kid or something?" His teacher's voice pulled him back to the reality and he moved to catch up. "I don't get paid enough for this.."

"Why are you doing this? I should get home before Oyaji gets angry" it's not like cared.

"We still have to talk and besides, it's already late.
I'm not going to be responsible if something happens to you, so you're staying here till tomorrow. It's weekend anyway" Aizawa responded, finally reaching the tip of the staircase.

Todoroki only followed him, like a lost puppy in a place where he hasn't been before. The good thing about all of this was that he could observe their relationship a little bit more, possibly getting some answers and even more questions to all of this. But he didn't bother to ask, Aizawa already had a lot on his mind and Tommy's health was the most important thing right now.
And he felt bad. He felt like he just saw a side of Tommy he shouldn't have. A side that was hidden for a reason, just like he was the way he was.
He felt something bloom in his stomach, slowly eating away at him. Was this guilt? Or perhaps terror?
He didn't know and with way, he knew something was wrong with Tommy.

"The door on the left, there is the bathroom. The room on the left will be where you will spent the night. I will give you some blankets and pillows in a moment, so you can go and freshen up a little."

Was Aizawa always this nice? Or was it only around Tommy?
He remembered Tommy calling Aizawa dad the previous night, but ut could have been because of the situation. Maybe stress or even panic. But it rolled off of his tongue so naturally, almost as if he wanted to say it for a long long time. He would have to ask later, only if it wasn't too private to share.

While he left for the bathroom with some spare clothes Aizawa has given him, that apparently belonged to Tommy, Aizawa closed the doors and walked towards the bed. Upon noticing Boo, who was lazily laying sprawled on the bed sheets, he carefully moved her from the bed. Her small paws tapped on the floor as she moved across the room, only to turn back and meow at Aizawa lazily. He ignored her for the time being, instead placing Tommy down on his bed and pulling the covers his body. After making sure he was comfortable and his wings weren't getting in the way, he ruffled his hair and took a step back. Then his eyes traveled down to Boo, who looked up at him with those beautiful and innocent eyes. He only smiled, cooing at her at which she meowed. Watching her jump onto the bed and take her usual spot by Tommy's feat, Aizawa turned his attention back to the said teen. His eyes were surely puffy, wet spots on his cheeks from the previous tears and mouth slightly opened. A small chuckle escaped his lips, before his hand outstretched to caress Tommy's face gently.

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