17 ☠️

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North; Seungmin and Y/N

At least half an hour must have passed already without either of us saying a word to each other. It slowly started making me doubt whether I should have agreed to go with Seungmin this easily, but then again, I truly did need to get closer to them if I wanted to survive in here. But how? I wasn't the talkative type, he didn't seem to be so either, so were we just going to spend these hours spent dreading in this heat, looking at absolutely nothing but sand, in boredom? Well, it appeared like it. So far at least.

"Say Seungmin," I hummed, still not looking at him, but looking to the opposite side like I'd been doing the past half hour. I had to do something to break the silence. "There was another reason why you wanted to go with me instead of one if the others wasn't there?" I continued after not receiving a reply to the mention of his name. This time his eyes finally met mine, but only for a brief second before I pulled away again. I only caught it for maybe a second, but his eyes seemed to be screaming for something... but what was it that he so desperately seemed to long for?

"Do you too think I'm a liability?" he suddenly asked, catching me off guard. I barely knew the dude, and suddenly this? "I know you were awake too back then..." he added quickly, referring to the gossiping discussed about the both of us. Figured that's what he was talking about. It really bothered him didn't it? "Hmmm, how do I put this... both a yes and a no?" I answered honestly, still not daring to look at him though.

"It's a bit difficult to explain, but you know, of course there are disadvantages coming with your condition, and surely those don't always come in handy, but if you look at it only that way everyone here is a liability," I let out with a slight chuckle. "I mean, come on. I completely suck at communicating with others, so you guys either don't trust me or seem to hate me, Jeongin seems way too easygoing and not wary at all, Chan seems terrified of the dark or anything, I've barely even seen Jisung without Minho and so on. If you only look at the bad points, of course it's gonna suck, but I'm sure there's more to you just that. Or well, I hope so for you at least, otherwise yeah, it really just sucks."

For the first time, I actually hear Seungmin laugh besides me. I finally managed to bring my eyes up to his face, seeing him smile brightly through his tears. I grew speechless, just staring at him. It had been about three days, but this was the first time I actually saw him happy, and not even a little bit. He was crying with the biggest grin I ever saw someone have. Well shit. I just made someone cry again. Way to go, me.

"You know, you're the only person who seems to think so, you know?" he managed to get out, wiping his tears away, only for them to come back just as fast. "I can see it in the others' eyes, the pity, them just wondering how they can best take care of me instead of relying on me. It's nice for once to have someone look at it from another side." I already kind of figured, seeing the way he was treated, but it made sense. "No wonder you're always in such a shitty mood," I spat out, only then realizing it.

I cautiously looked at his expression, only to see him still with a grin. Oh thank goodness, he took it the right way. Seungmin sat down in the sand, only now making me notice he must have been tired all along. "Guess that means I can rest out for a sec without those annoying judging eyes from the guys then," he answered with. "I know we have all been friends for some time, some longer than others, but they can really be suffocating at times because they keep worrying all the time. Maybe it's a good thing that you're here after all."

I sat down with him, actually feeling signs of relief. "So you don't hate me after all? I swear I was convinced you did." Seungmin shrugged. "Hate is a strong word. Did I like you being there? Absolutely not - no offense - but I didn't hold anything against you personally. So don't worry about that." Thank goodness, that's one less person disliking me. "By the way, you're really not that bad at communicating. Maybe a little too quiet or too blunt at times, but you're honest, and it's a good thing. You should speak up more."

On the contrary of what he said, I actually grew quiet because of his words, solely staring up at the hot sky, the both of us continuing after regaining some strength. The sun was slowly going down, but so far there was nothing was found but sand, not even and end of the room this was built in. At this point the sun was already a bit over halfway down, finally making me stop my tracks after another silent walk, this time however with a better mood than before.

I carefully turned around, making sure I wasn't a bit to the side and squatted down in front of Seungmin, looking back at him with a smile. "Hop on, let's get back shall we? Let's hope the others had more luck than we did." Seungmin got on, and so we went for the next couple of hours, with some occasional breaks in between. Not with many more words said, but a finally comfortable feeling for a first time since we got here for the both of us.

"I'm glad you came with us after all Y/N."

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