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I knew I had to be prepared for anything upon coming here, and yet this place kept surprising me. The more we saw of the things here, the more I wondered just how much effort was put into all of this. The attention to detail, the amount of props, thinking just how insanely large this place had to be in order to fit everything in. It was almost unbelievable it was possible. You not only needed to be insanely rich to organize all of it, you needed so much time to prepare for it all you wouldn't even have time to do anything else in life. Maybe Sir was CEO of a company, or two, three, or ten, maybe he had won the lottery, or was simply very good at gambling, but whatever it was that made him able to do it all, I couldn't help but wonder how he did it.

Maybe that was why, when standing in the next zone, it felt like the scene straight out of my favorite movie; the only one I ever caught a glimpse of. Ready Player One, it was called. Though obviously I couldn't see it all yet, the scene in front of me was close to exactly like the scenery they used when making the racing scene in the movie. The only reason I recognized it was because it had been the favorite movie of my brothers. They'd play it over and over, seeming more and more excited each time they watched it. Whatever their obsession with it was, I didn't know. Maybe it was the futuristic setting of it, the teamwork, or simply the gaming experience the movie showed, but they couldn't get enough of it.

Though I was never allowed to watch anything from a screen, saying it would 'make me believe all that bullshit they show on there', I remember trying to watch along sneakily, tiptoeing out of my room to join them. Unnoticed to them, of course, if I got caught I surely would have had to spend another week in the closet again. It always fascinated me though, the movie. Maybe i1't was because it simply was the only movie I'd ever seen, or at least partially, or maybe because my brothers liked it so much too, but the fact that they could show you things like they were happening right in front of you always blew my mind.

And yet, watching that movie scene right in front of me blew me away even more. There were at least a dozen of other racers standing at the ready, whether in a racecar, monstertruck, or on a bike. They all seemed ready for the race that was about to begin. My eyes went up to the screen right above the start line. Five more minutes. Would that even be enough to strategize? I let out a sigh, trying to remember the way this scene ended in the movie. I remembered that it simply wouldn't be won if anyone went for it the normal way, but what was it again that made them win it in the end...

Chan interrupted my thoughts, speaking up. "There's only two bikes left. Hyunjin, why don't we go together. Y/N could have one of her own." Maybe it was a bit too quick, but before Hyunjin could even answer I stopped them. "Wait, I've never ridden one before. Plus, before we go, there's something you should know." Whereas Chan had already started walking up to the first bike in the front, he stopped in his tracks, turning around. "What, you'll finally admit you've been the one to organize this all, and have been the one to kill everyone off?" I froze, for a few seconds completely losing my ability to think straight. "What... Chan, what are you talking about, that's ridiculous!" I called out to him. "Have you lost your mind?" Hyunjin asked, standing right in front of me. "You've been acting completely different ever since we had gone into that haunted house you've completely changed. You better watch your tone!"

"I haven't changed at all, I've simply been acting the way one should after finding out someone they thought was their ally had betrayed them and everyone else they once cared about!" Hyunjin walked up to Chan, pulling him in by the collar. "If anyone killed people off here, it's you! You're the one that got Felix killed, and nearly got me, Minho and Changbin killed! She's been the one absolutely saving our asses!" Chan pushed Hyunjin off, quickly walking past him as Hyunjin stumbled back, grabbing me by the arm, pulling a piece of paper out of my backpocket. "If she's been the one saving your asses, than tell me why I keep finding things leading me back to her being a killer?"

Chan let go upon seeing Hyunjin get up to him, but most certainly didn't stop talking. "Remember in the jungle, when I went up to try to save her? It wasn't the first time I checked in on her. I thought if I could save her, we could lure the rest away to get Minho and Changbin right after. And yet, I found her and this boy, talking about some sort of other way out, by killing others. At first I wouldn't believe it, but even in the elemental room, when they showed Minho looking back hopeful in that video, it had to be her watching them die. That could have been speculation, but the reason why I've been gone for so long in the haunted house was because I saw her shove this piece of paper in her back pocket, it had to have been some sort of clue or hint for her to win this game! I was just checking to see if any other hints were left for her, to finally show you she isn't who you think she is! Just see for yourself!" Chan shouted out at Hyunjin, all out of breath, as the one minute left mark had gone off. Hyunjin snatched the paper from Chan, looking him dead in the eye.

"Maybe think twice before you hand over an empty piece of paper, you liar. If there is either of you I trust right now, it's Y/N, so whatever it is that you're trying to accomplish, don't think you'll be able to get between us."

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