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"Y/N... you should at least eat something," a voice tried again, Chan's this time. For how long had I been laying here already? I don't remember much of what happened after the talk Hyunjin and I had last night, but clearly I was back in bed, and the door locked again. Besides the occasional person trying to get me to come out, it had been awfully quiet for the past hour or so. The bickering and fighting seemed to be over, but even I could tell things were just as tense. Would they really not get the hint if I simply kept shut? Though my stomach betrayed me by rumbling once more, I wasn't going to answer. We should still have at least two hours left, if the timing wasn't tempered with this time, but I wasn't planning on coming out until the very last minute. I had a bedroom, bathroom and water, I didn't need anything else.

"You don't think anything actually happened to her right? What if she had fallen, hit her head or something? She could be hurt," I heard Jeongin say. I knew he meant well, but it most certainly didn't help for my desire to be left alone. "Y/N, at least tell me you're okay, or... or... I'm coming in!" I heard him shout. Tricky one, that. Giving any sign of life meant I'd be bothered even more to come out already, but staying silent could mean they'd possibly break down the door if they thought it to be necessary. If I didn't respond, that would likely be the case. Maybe I'd just pretend to be asleep again. It had worked the times before.

After a minute of silence, I could hear the lock slowly moving. "Y/N, we're coming in," Changbin called out, slowly opening the door, giving me enough time to close my eyes again. "See, she's just asleep," I heard Hyunjin sigh, still with a hint of relief in his voice. He must have known too I was just resting out after yesterday, since neither of us got much sleep. "Why don't you guys make something for her? I'll wake her up," Changbin said, as I could hear his footsteps come closer. I could already hear a scoff, but to my surprise it didn't turn into another argument. I think I at least got through to Hyunjin, even if just a little. At least he was still here, thankfully.

I could feel the bed starting to sag as Changbin sat down next to me, pushing a strand of hair out of my face, his fingertips grazing over my cheek. "Y/N... wake up, we made you breakfast," Changbin called out softly. Even if I wanted, there was no way I could keep pretending now. I slowly opened my eyes, fortunately not having to adjust to the lights anymore as they'd been on for a while already. I could hear Changbin chuckle. "Good morning," he whispered, getting up from the bed again. "Did you sleep well?" I hummed, even though I absolutely didn't. I sat up straight, rubbing my eyes to make it seem more realistic that I could have just woken up. "Come on, let's get you something to eat. You probably didn't eat anything since we'd arrived here, did you?" Though I hadn't been in the mood for interacting with anyone yet, the food definitely would make it bearable.

I finally made my way to the common room again, watching everyone sitting together, all eating like nothing was wrong. Like yesterday hadn't just ended in a huge argument, or like last night with Hyunjin hadn't happened at all. Even though it was just a façade, everyone actually seemed normal somehow. While it felt unsettling to a certain degree, the smell of food took all my attention, my stomach already rumbling again. Though I'd been used to it before, these days I seemed to have a need for a regular eating schedule. Maybe because I was actually using up a lot of energy the past few weeks. I went up to Jeongin, who'd been the one making breakfast, checking to see if it was almost done. The closer I got, the more hungry I seemed to become.

Maybe that was why I had finished two entire plates in the span of 10 minutes. At least it gave me enough time to get myself ready again for whatever would be coming up next. I didn't know how things ended yesterday, or why they all seemed to at least coexist peacefully, but I was just glad it wasn't as bad anymore. At least that way I wouldn't have to choose a side if it came down to it. Though deep down I had already decided, having to make that choice was something I sincerely hoped I'd never have to do. As we had all gathered in the common room again, still an hour to spare, we had all already gotten everything we needed. Though Jeongin still seemed upset, and though I knew Hyunjin definitely wasn't feeling as well as he lead on to be, we were as ready as we could be.

Still, opening the door to find nothing but complete darkness wasn't something we'd been expecting.

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