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Last two hours: Minho and Jisung

"Jisung... wake up," Minho said, carefully shaking his younger brother. He knew Jisung wasn't the easiest to wake up, especially if it was only early, but even Minho could tell Jisung was awake already, but was simply refusing to actually wake up. "I know you must still be really tired, but it's safer to stay awake together," Minho tried to argue, only to get a scoff in return. "Go stay awake with Y/N then," he muttered, turning around to face away from Minho then. Minho let out a sigh, now fully pulling Jisung up to sit straight up. "She already had her turn, so stay awake with me."

Jisung just rolled his eyes as Minho sat back down in his spot as well, looking away. "Like you'd even care about me still," he said, crossing his arms. Minho glanced up with a frown. He knew Jisung must have noticed he'd been spending some more time with Y/N, but he didn't belong to his brother. "Jisung, that's not fair or true and you know it," Minho groaned, feeling the frustrations that he had built up coming up. "Of course it's true. You don't even pay attention to me anymore, all you pay attention to is her!" Jisung raised his voice, looking at the girl he started to dislike more and more, sleeping so soundlessly like there wasn't a care in the world. "Come on, just because I'm not with you 24/7 doesn't mean I don't care about you anymore. I can have other friends, and still care about you," Minho tried to remain calm, yet knowing the harsh tone in his voice betrayed him.

"You don't act like it," Jisung groaned, getting up, stretching his legs as he started walking away from the group. Minho sighed, getting up as well to go after Jisung. "Where on earth are you going?" Jisung ignored him, simply walking further and further away. "Jisung, hold on, are you even thinking straight?" Minho ask, speeding up to try to catch up to him, only to see Jisung starting to speed up as well. "Leave me alone," Jisung spat out, turning back as he suddenly stood still, already so far away from the rest of the group that they weren't even visible anymore. "I know all about why you joined this in the first place, I overheard you talking about it with Changbin when we were still training! You just joined so you could get away from me! I knew it, and yet I came with you to try to stay with you, and all you did is push me away again as soon as you found someone you like better than me!"

Though the moonlight was dim, it perfectly highlighted Jisung's tears as they streamed down his face, making Minho grow speechless. What would he even say? It was true, Minho joined to get away, but not because he didn't love Jisung or his family. Just because he wanted more freedom, to actually start a life of his own, didn't mean he didn't care about them anymore. And yet, no matter what he'd say right now, Jisung was so convinced of it that he couldn't be convinced otherwise. "See, I'm right!" Jisung yelled out. He was about to turn away, walk even further, but suddenly froze for a second, before his anger turned into sheer panic. "I can't move my legs!" He suddenly yelled out, looking down to see his legs already sinking.

He let out a scream in pure horror, moving frantically to try to get out, only to sink in deeper and deeper. "Fuck!" Minho yelled, looking back to try if he could see the rest of the group. Getting Jisung out alone could be a true struggle. As Minho was about to run back, Jisung grabbed Minho's hand tightly, trying to pull himself up desperately. "Don't leave me! Please help, I can't die here!" Jisung screamed out, still moving as his legs were now fully under. "Jisung, stop moving, it'll only make things worse!" Minho yelled, trying to pull as hard as he could on Jisung's arm, knowing fully well that it would be of no use as he heard Jisung scream in pain. "You shouldn't even be sinking so much!" Minho yelled in frustration, but he too realized this probably wasn't the normal quicksand you'd see on TV or in real life. They must have designed this to actually kill someone, and fast too.

"I promise I'll be back as soon as I can, I'm going to get the others as soon as I can to get you out, you have to trust me!" Minho told Jisung, trying to let go of Jisung's grip. If he was quick, he might just make it. He turned around, a quick feeling of hope washing over him at the sight behind him. "No!" Jisung yelled out, reaching out again. "You're just going to leave me! You'll leave me so you can finally get rid of me like you've been wanting to all this time!" Jisung spat out, giving one last pull on Minho's arm as Jisung was now already in with half of his torso. In the moment, Minho lost his balance. feeling himself fall forward. "Wait, do-" he shouted out, his arms forward, falling in with his face forward. "Minho?" Jisung called out, panicking even more as Minho's head wasn't coming up anymore. "Minho!" Jisung shouted out, the only thing still held up being his head. "Minho, I'm so sorry... please, please come back!" Jisung pleaded, tears streaming down rapidly.

"I'm sorry, I love you. I'm sorry," were his last words, before the both disappeared into the ground.

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