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Changbin and Seungmin

"Pick one of the following rooms. One player each," read the sign above the two doors as they went into a small hallway. Both doors looked identical to each other, made of steel, with no way to see what was inside of either one. And that was if whatever was behind those doors was even different from each other. "Doesn't seem too difficult if you ask me," Changbin chuckled. "If this is the test, passing shouldn't be too hard." Though Seungmin had a small smile on his face upon Changbin's remark, he didn't nearly feel as confident. He was exhausted, more than he had experienced during any training before. Would he even make it through the next room?

Changbin gave Seungmin a slap on the back, earning a wince in return. "What was that for?" Seungmin groaned, shooting Changbin a glare. "Just trying to slap all those worries out of you. Ah, maybe I should try your head next," Changbin said with a soft smile, already holding his hand up. "I know, I know," Seungmin muttered, however with no intend of changing. He didn't even have the energy to keep up a facade. He never had, really, until he suddenly found someone in here he wanted to seem strong for. And yet she was out elsewhere, maybe even fighting for her life right now. Something he was probably about to do as well.

"Do you think they're okay?" Seungmin changed the subject to. "They went in the same time we did, I'm pretty sure in that one minute that passed they're all fine..." Changbin took a good look at his younger friend, his smile fading slightly. "Or are you more so worried about a specific person? A certain new friend perhaps?" Whatever straight face Seungmin had been able to keep until now completely disappeared to make room for embarrassment, trying to hide it by looking down. "There's something more between you two, isn't there? Most of the guys seem to think it's between Felix and Y/N, but I think you're the only one of us she's actually happy around." Changbin chuckled. "You two definitely looked cute all cuddled up."

Seungmin's head shot up, getting redder by the second. "Oh God no, you saw that?" Changbin hummed, a big smile plastered on his face. A short silence followed, Seungmin deep in thought, while Changbin couldn't help but stare at him fondly. "Changbin... do you think she feels the same?" Seungmin finally managed to get out. Changbin rested his hand on Seungmin's shoulder reassuringly. "I don't really know much about love, but I think that you definitely have a special place in her heart." "I hope so," Seungmin muttered.

"Listen, I know this might be a lot to ask, but I'd like to ask you for a favor," Changbin finally cut to the chase. "I think Y/N has been holding back for a while already. I don't want to pressure her into showing more of herself, but when you're with her, please encourage her, okay? I think she'll listen if it's you." Seungmin nodded, not even surprised at Changbin's speculation. He noticed it too, her change in behavior, but didn't know how to help her. He still didn't, but anything he could do to help her, he would, no hesitation. "I'll try," he answered, not sure if he'd even be alive by then.

"And about you..." Changbin added, his smile fading, "I want you to do everything possible to not overdo it in the next room, Seungmin. I know you've been pushing yourself past your limit this entire time already, and it doesn't take a genius to see the state you're in, so please, if anything, hang in there." Changbin was making his last plea too. No matter how hard he tried to deny it, there was a significant chance Seungmin wasn't going to make it, and it only increased the second he saw they were going to be separated. He tried everything he could to keep Seungmin's hopes up, making him make promises, reminding him of Y/N, trying to prepare him, and yet with each word he said, it became harder to speak. Not even Changbin could keep his faith up high.

"So, do you want the left or the right door?" Seungmin asked, completely ignoring Changbin's hopes going down. He didn't want to get emotional, and more so, did not want his dear friend to feel sad. Even though he rarely showed it, he truly cared for each and every one of the boys, no matter how much he seemed to complain. Changbin took a deep breath, pulling himself together. "How about I take the right one, hmm?" he chose, given he was already standing closest to it. "Sure, sounds fine by me."

Both boys went up to their designated door, pausing before actually entering. Even though they couldn't possibly know the outcome, or what laid ahead of them, both of them had to muster up the courage to leave, the both terrified of what could happen. The moment they set foot through that door was the moment they'd get separated, maybe even for good, and while Seungmin had already been preparing himself for it mentally, Changbin was everything but ready to leave it up to fate.

"Changbin, if I don't make-" Seungmin started off slowly, only to be cut off instantly. "Don't say that. We'll. Make it out of here, okay? The both of us. I believe in you Seungmin, so save your breath." Seungmin finally smiled a little, looking at Changbin. Even when he didn't, it was nice to hear at least someone had faith in him. "So, good luck out there. I'll see you on the other side, okay Seungmin?"

"...Yeah, you too Changbin. See you on the other side."

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