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"What the..." Chan called out, as I remembered I wasn't the only one who wasn't good with the dark. I shuddered, trying to keep my hands from shaking, or my head from spinning. Breathe in... breathe out... I knew the zones weren't going to be easy, maybe even harder with each one, but this felt like the worst one yet. No, I couldn't start thinking about that night again... "Maybe there's lightswitch? Or does anyone have a flashlight?" Changbin asked. Though the crumbling of the last safe zone definitely startled us, maybe some of us even more than others, feeling the ground shake from underneath us made us realize we may not have been standing on low ground like we did before.

"Not that I'm aware of no," Chan said curtly. I let out a deep sigh, trying to adjust to the darkness around me without panicking too much. "Still, I'd rather not stay in the dark here for too long," I added, my vision too blurry to truly see anything around that could help. As if on cue, a dim light turned on above our heads, one of those green exit signs flickering, soon a couple of them turning on across the hallway. Though the light was too faint to truly illuminate the path well, at least we could see something. All around us were rows of doors like you'd see in a schoolbuilding, or prison cells.

"You don't think it's that easy that we can just follow the arrows, right?" Jeongin asked, looking back as the hole in the floor now seemed to go down multiple stories. Had we found ourselves in a flat or building inside of this? I knew the building itself was big, but big enough to have this inside of it? We must be going underground if we were this high in the flat. "It's at least worth a try for now," Changbin suggested. "It's not like we've got elsewhere to go," he added. "We could check out the doors, see if there's anything interesting there," Chan countered. "Maybe there's extra provisions there like there were in the first zone, or an easier way out."

"It could also be another trap, like we encountered in the first zone as well," Jeongin said, his hand making it's way to the still healing wound. Hyunjin let out a sigh, shaking his head. "We can't let ourselves be stopped just because we're afraid something's gonna happen." I was sure he was just being serious, but I wondered if there was a hint of passive agressiveness behind his words. Jeongin looked away, but it was clear to see he wasn't comfortable with it at all. "I'd say we're checking the doors. I think it might be a trap to go follow the arrows," Chan said, trying to make the deciding vote, if it wasn't for Changbin stopping him with a loud groan.

"I know we appointed you as the leader at first, but I'm not going to keep being bossed around by you. You constantly make decisions that are either bad for us, or even get us killed." My breath stocked, watching the two now stand in front of each other, both staring at the other intently. "Listen, if you have a problem with me then say so directly, rather than hiding behind allegations," Chan stated firmly, making Changbin scoff. "Allegations? If I'm correct you're the one that got Felix killed, and were about to get me and Minho killed too while you tried to run away with Y/N. You're only thinking about your own survival in this and the girl that gave you your superiority complex, and I'm not letting your selfishness get us killed too," Changbin snapped back, putting his hand on Jeongin's shoulder, who already seemed to back him up.

"Is this how you're going to thank the guy that has kept you alive for the past month?" Hyunjin interfered, coming up besides Chan, who had murder in his eyes. What I'd been afraid not only since the last safe zone, but for a while now was becoming true. The group was finally splitting in two. "Of course you'd back him up," Jeongin sighed, rolling his eyes. "And what's that supposed to mean?" Hyunjin snapped back, getting up to Jeongin, only inches apart if it hadn't been for both Chan and Changbin stopping him from doing anything further. "It means that of course a vicious, heartless killer wouldn't care about the rest of the group," Jeongin provoked Hyunjin, all of the irritations that had been kept inside finally coming out.

"At least I'm not the one backstabbing a friend after making a mistake, but stick by them and believe in them," Hyunjin shouted back, not only referring to sticking by Chan, but also calling out Jeongin for leaving him. Changbin was first to break eye contact with Chan as he let out a loud scoff, turning back. "You know what? I'm not going to stay here wasting time listening to your nonsense. We're leaving, and that's final. Have fun getting killed!" He put his left hand on Jeongin's back, guiding him forward, as he took my left hand in his right one. "Come on Y/N, let's get going," he called out, the tone of his voice instantly softer.

And yet, as I felt Chan grab onto my right hand to pull me back, I knew this was far from over. "She's not going anywhere with you. I know your past as a child actor in that industry has made it hard to think with your mind rather than down there, but I'm not gonna let her go with you and have her killed." Changbin's eyes widened as he looked back, the initial hurt immediately turning to rage. "She's not your little puppet you can keep by your side to feed your ego, that by the way is way too big for what you could ever offer. Y/N, let's go." My gaze shifted between the two, my feet nailed to the ground as four sets of eyes pierced through my soul, Chan's words forcing me to finally make the choice I'd been putting off.

"Well Y/N, what's it gonna be? Me, or him?"

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