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"That was close..." I sighed out, hissing in pain as the adrenaline rush was wearing off. The cut on my face seemed to have stopped bleeding at least, so that was something, but the bruising around my neck wouldn't be gone anytime soon. Though it made breathing hard already, what definitely didn't help was the tight, dark tubes we were going through to get to the roof. Apparently it used to be a secret fire escape once for if the door to the roof wasn't usable, but when they closed off the roof, this was what remained. I don't think anyone else knew about it though. I wouldn't have either, had I not stumbled into the board in class back when I was still in school.

"You okay there, Y/N?" Hyunjin asked from up front, leading the way for us. "You're breathing really heavy. You don't like the dark right?" Was I breathing all that heavy? Surely, I wasn't exactly comfortable, but I didn't think it was me he heard. Rather, it must be the one behind me that seemed to be panting. "I'll manage," I simply answered, not wanting to expose Chan's struggling. I knew how much he wanted to seem like the stronger person. Besides, I had myself to worry about. Even if I didn't show it, breathing was becoming a hassle the longer we were in here. There already wasn't much air in a passage like this with both doors locked from the inside, together with the injury and panic settling in as old memories were making their way up again, I didn't have the energy to focus on anyone but me.

"Ah!" Hyunjin exclaimed shortly. "Don't worry," he added right after, "I think we reached a ladder." Finally, I don't think I could put up with this for much longer. "Guys, are you hearing those bangs too?" Chan asked, sounding even more anxious than I was feeling. The sound of the metal steps Hyunjin was now on mostly masked it, but the more I focused, you could definitely hear multiple pounding noises from behind us. Were they trying to get in still? "Let's just get out of here quickly," I answered him, not wanting to give in to the idea that they were still following us. "Are we even sure the roof is safe?" Chan asked, but I didn't feel like answering him. Of course we didn't, but what other option would we have? The only other we had was certain death. "I trust Y/N," Hyunjin remarked, another silence following after, except for a small gasp when Hyunjin pushed the hatch away.

There were seconds of anticipation where the three of us were quiet as a mouse, not even making a single sound, but as nothing seemed to come our way, I let out the breath I was holding in, glad to finally see light again. Hyunjin stuck his head out, smiling as he looked down. "It's the safe zone, we made it!" I don't think the three of us had ever climbed up this fast, knowing that we'd finally be safe after all that. I felt like I was going to go crazy, had I stayed any longer. As soon as I reached up, Hyunjin's gaze fell on me, his eyes immediately glued to my face. Did I look that bad? As Chan was still making his way up, Hyunjin engulfed me in a hug, his arms wrapping themselves tightly around me. "It's okay, don't cry, we're safe," he whispered, but all I could do was stand there.

I was.... crying? Had the liquidy feeling on my face not been the blood, but rather the tears streaming down my cheeks? "I'm sure Changbin and Jeongin are in a better place now," he added, finally making me realize why I was crying. I must have been to busy with trying to escape to fully realize how broken I felt. Though Chan finally made his way up with a deep groan, latching up the hatch again, I couldn't even react to it. I could feel my legs giving out as I crouched down, my hands just barely covering my face in time before Hyunjin could squat down in front of me, once again pulling me into his embrace. "It's all my fault," I cried out.

If only I had told them not to split up. If only I had shushed things between the four guys, maybe they still would have been with us. If only I had told them it wasn't safe, maybe they would have listened, or even if I had just gone with them, maybe then... "If only," was all I was able to get out through the sobs, feeling my breath hitch, my throat hurting more with each word spoken. "Hey, hey, it's not your fault," Hyunjin tried to shush me as I finally allowed myself to lean into his hug. "You couldn't have known what would happen." Though he had his full attention on me, a single scoff from across the room was enough to break it, finally making him look up.

"What's your problem?" Hyunjin sneered at him, looking at him through a glare. "Nothing, nothing, just that you really are being blinded, that's all," he said, almost crashing down on the couch behind him. "If only you knew," he added. While Hyunjin was about to react, he was cut off by the black TV screen turning on, the familiar masked man now on screen. "No fighting, no fighting. I'm afraid I have to give you my apologies first. I had clearly instructed my men not to change floors, and it appears they disobeyed my orders. To truly show how sorry I am, I shall give the three of you 48 hours rather than the usual 24, and of course, those who wronged you, are taken care of. My sincerest apologies."

It didn't take long after to figure out those thuds weren't the men trying to follow us to kill us, it was them falling to their own death.

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