Chapter 3

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After meeting almost everyone, apparently one guy was out on a job, Kunikida handed me some papers I had to sign .
- By the way , President Fukuzawa mentioned something about a test . - I said nervously.
- Oh you haven't had yours yet ? Don't worry too much about it - the blond man assured me .
- Well see , I have no clue what kind of test it is and I'm nervous, I don't really like the unknown- I tried to laugh it off .
- Its just a test to see if you are really a right fit here .
- I'm sure she is , tomorrow we can start our love story . - Dazai butted in excitedly.
And of course the same moment the sentence left his mouth , he received a punch from his partner .
- Stop scaring her! You good for nothing sociopath.
- Ahhhh Kuuuniiikidaaa kuuuuun you are so strong and I love your way with words - screamed Dazai with a smirk
- Ugh , I'm sorry to interrupt, but I will be taking my leave now , I still have to settle in my apartment. If that's okay of course - I muttered while putting on my coat .
- What ? Oh yes sure . See you tomorrow at 9 . Do not be late .- Kunikida replied
- Alright , Of course , thank you , bye - and I walked out quickly , avoiding a certain brunette to give me a good bye hug .
I went home , changed into something comfortable and sat down to edit. My pets are gonna arrive in a few hours , I missed them so much , so I wanna spend the day with them .
Just as I was ready with the video I worked on , the company that was responsible for my babies rang up .
I quickly hugged my dog , and set the ratties in their cages , thanked the man for his work and started looking for the leash .
I knew that Lily , my staffy , didn't go on a longer walk the past days , so I needed to make up for it .
I looked up a park nearby , where we could have a nice stroll .
So here I was , holding my doggies leash , in the streets of Yokohama, lost , again . Of course I forgot my phone home so I had 0 chances of finding that park , or my way back home to be fair . Lily couldn't care less tho , she was as happy as ever , wagging her tail , looking around , enjoying the usual - ohhhh so cute - comments from people passing by .
- I could just ask someone - I muttered .
I started looking around , see who I could ask for directions, I'm not a fan of talking to strangers let's be honest .
- Ohhh , you are soooo beautifullll , such a good girl , yess , who is a good girl- I heard a familiar voice .
The redhead from yesterday, he was crouching down , petting my dog . He seemed super excited, like his eyes are gleaming, literally.
- Chuuuuuuya - I yelled .
- Ugh , huh , ohhhh the chick from yesterday- he stood straight but his eyes didn't leave Lily .
- It s Y/N , not chick , show some respect.
- Sure yess , is she yours ? What's her name ?
- Hahaha yess , she is Lily , she is 3 years old and as you can see she is very sweet.
Chuuyas eyes are literal stars at this point , he kneels down and starts hugging Lilly .
- Ohm , excuse me , you are being weird - I said , barely able to hold my laugh back .
- you are so pretty , yess , I love you - the man didn't even hear me .
Then the genius idea struck me , I can ask him for directions, I mean he did help me out yesterday too .
- Say Loverboy , do you know a park around here ? I wanna take Lily , but I forgot my phone at home .
He was too preoccupied with her to acknowledge me .
- Chuuya !
-Chuuuuuuuuuuya !
- What ? - again with the barking back at me
- I'm lost again , I was gonna go to a park - I said , with my face turning very tomato like .
- Tsk , again , you know your phone has an app called Maps , use it - he stood up finally , looking quite irritated.
- I - I left it at home - I almost whispered as a looked at my feet .
- You can't just walk around in Yokohama without a phone not knowing where you are - he shouted .
Lily looked at him , then looked at me , and continued wagging her tail happily , ohhh to be a dog .
- I'm free now anyways let's go - and he took the leash out of my hand , making his way down the street .
- Wait , Lily , give her back ! Hey ! Wait ! Where are you going .
- To the park , that's where you were gonna go right ? - he looked back , stating the obvious.
- Yes , but give her back .
- Later , let us love each other , don't try to break us up .
I caught up to them , we walked about 10 minutes and we reached a park . It was big , beautiful open field , only a few trees around . There weren't many people as it was afternoon, most people were still working .
- Can she run free ? - Chuuya asked me , still holding Lilys leash .
- Yes sure - I bent down to unclip it from her collar .
I took a ball out of my pocket , and threw it . Lily sprinted after it .
- Thank you , again . - I looked at the man .
- Don't mention it , I don't have many chances to play with a cute puppy , so thank you . Plus im free now anyways .
We sat down on a bench , keeping an eye on my dog , who was happily running around , playing with her ball .
- By the way Hatboy , what do you do ?
- Chuuya , Chuu- Ya . And I'm working for a ,.. a small organisation.
- What do you do to there ?
- Let's just say I handle trades - he said with a tone that made it clear he won't tell much more .
- I see , so you are a criminal
- What , no , that's.... No . I ... What do you do ?
- Im a content creator part time , I make videos and such . And I just started at an office job here in Yokohama next to that .
- Office job ? Is it your way of saying that you are a cop ?
- What ? Hahaha no . I wouldn't hang around with a criminal if I was .
- I'm not a crimi -, never mind ! - he clearly got annoyed .
We talked for a while , then Lily ran up to us , demanding belly rubs , which Chuuya happily gave .
- I think we should be going home , she seems tired , and I also am to be fair .
- Yess , I also need to pack up , I have a business trip tomorrow. - Said the Hatboy .
- Well then , I hope I see you around - I clipped the leash back on Lilys collar .
- See you - he was about to walk off .
- Wait , actually, can I have your number ? I would like to see Lily more . - he asked .
- Yes sure , wait I have it in my phone , it's a new number I don't know it by heart yet .
I reached in my pocket , then it hit me , I don't have it with me , which means , I won't find my way home either .
- ugh , I forgot that I forgot it at home - my face took on a bright fiery colour .
- Yes , I forgot , where is your place ? I walk you home .
I told him the adress , and baaaang
He . Hit . Me . On . The . Top . Of . My . Head .
- ouch , what the ... what's that for ? It hurts .
- A girl shouldn't just be giving her adress out so easily. - he scolded .
- Well you are not a criminal you said .

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