Chapter 54

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- Yeah that sounds like Kunikida. - I smiled .
- I asked Higuchi to bring something to eat , afterwards you can rest here , I need to get some work done here - he pointed at his laptop on the coffee table .
- Right , thanks - I was gonna reach for my phone . - Ohm , where is my coat , I think my phone is in there .
- Your coat is there , your phone isn't .
- Great I probably lost it . - I sighed . I couldn't afford a new phone now to be fair , it will have to wait till next month . As to how I make content ? Who knows . I was too tired to worry .
Soon Higuchi came with some pizza and some coke .
- Thank you , and sorry to have bother you with this - Chuuya turned to the girl as she walked out . He then sat down next to me , and we ate in silence. Once we were done I stood up to tidy up but my legs still didn't oblige .  The redhead quickly jumped up behind to hold me . One of his hands held onto my waist the other to my arm .
- Let's just have you sit back down - he said in a soft tone as he got me sitting down .
- I'm sorry - I mumbled and I turned away from him . I felt my cheeks heating up .
Chuuya grabbed my chin and gently turned my face towards him , having me look straight into his eyes .
- Stop saying sorry - he said , his lips just a few inches away from mine , still holding my face up under the chin .
- Right , I - I turned away , but he twisted me back towards him , and he kissed my lips . It was a soft , sweet kiss , yet it was the most intense kiss I ever felt . It only lasted a second , then the executive pulled back and stood up .
- I'm gonna finish this up - he grabbed his laptop and made his way towards his desk .
- Chuuya - I reached out to grab his arm and tugged on him - can you just sit here doing that ?
His face took a fiery colour , didn't say a word tho ,just sighed and sat on the couch a bit further from me . He then took his phone out of his pocket .
- Here you can lie down , and use mine to scroll until you fall asleep.- and handed me his cell . I took it , he had already unlocked it for me . I just opened TikTok to scroll around , I didn't bother to log out of his account and log onto mine . I was just watching the videos on the for you page . My mind was on that kiss . Those damned two seconds . Why would he do that ? Also why do I get so worked up ? Maybe he didn't even mean to kiss me . Yess , right it was just accidental. I should give it so much thought .
- There is enough space for you to lie down - Chuuya looked at the empty space between us .
- I'm good - I said .
- No you aren't good . Just lie down .
- I ... sure , thank you - and I layed down next to him , leave some space between my head and his lap that was occupied by his laptop .
At a point , when I was half asleep, I felt his hand stroking through my hair . His fingers running through my locks , gave me some kind of comfort. I didn't move , I was afraid if I did , he would stop .
- I wish we could be like this for real - I heard him whisper .
- So do I - I sighed back . The shorty then withdrew his hand quickly .
- You were supposed to be asleep - He barked defensively . I looked up , seeing his face matching his hair colour . I slightly moved up and nuzzled up to him . To which he froze for a second . Then he simply pulled the blanket up so it fully covered me and a part of his body as well .
- At least keep this on , I don't need you to get sick .- he complained.

When I woke up the next day , I was cuddling up to Chuuya , I was practically laying on him , and he had his arms wrapped around me . I wanted to sneak out quietly , not waking him .
That obviously was just my plan , as the moment I moved the redhead opened his eyes . I pushed myself away from him , and sat up straight , so did he . We both just awkwardly looked at each other for a few , and a knock on his door broke the silence.
- Come in - Chuuya said .
Hirotsu and Tachihara came in .
- Good morning Sir . The Boss needs you down. - The older man stated politely . - Miss Y/N , you can go with Executive Nakahara, one of our doctors will just quickly do a check up on you to clear you to leave .
- Right , Y/N , you can use the bathroom over there to freshen up first . - Chuuya pointed at a door , then turned to the two men - Will be right down . Thank you .
I went to wash my face and fix myself up . My strength was mostly restored. I still felt somewhat tired , but it wasn't to extreme.
I followed the red haired executive down the hallways to the first floor of the HQ . It looked different from when I was here for Dazai . The lobby was filled with bodies covered up laying down on the floor.
The sight shocked me , Chuuya just turned my head away .
- It's not a sight for you to see , come let's get you checked up . - And he pulled me away .
One of the doctors came to see me , he cleared that I was fine , however for today I shouldn't use my ability.
- Good morning Miss Y/N - The Boss greeted me as I was waiting for Tachihara to bring me to the Agency . - Feeling fresh ?
- Good morning Doctor Mori , yes , thank you for the accommodation .
- I should thank you for your cooperation yesterday. I believe you saw the men we have lost .
- Yes , I'm truly sorry .
- If you weren't there , the number of bodies would be higher , not only in counts of the Maffia , but civilians as well . - Mori put a hand on my shoulder . I just nodded .

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