Chapter 64

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The moment our lips touched , it felt like my whole body set on fire . Chuuya slid his tongue in my mouth , and deepened the kiss . His hands gripping harder on my hip and on the back of my head . I circled my arms around his neck to pull him more in . In that moment I wasn't thinking, the only thing in the world was Chuuya , his touch , his kiss .
However that moment was soon over as my phone started ringing .
The executive sat back next to me , withdrawing his hands . Without looking at me he just said :
- You should take it
- Ohh Uhm , yeah - my mind was still cloudy . I took my phone , it was the President.
- Good evening - he started .
- President Fukuzawa, I'm currently at the Port Maffia HQ . Executive Nakahara helped Dazai and I on tonight's mission , ended up in pretty bad condition and I took him back after Dazai left with Q.
- Yes I have been informed, Great work today Y/N .
- Thank you Sir .
- I know tomorrow was your day off , but Kunikida could use some help in the office , actually I called to ask if you could come in for a few hours .
- Yes, no problem. I will go to the office first thing in the morning. I would like to stay , make sure executive Nakahara is fine , after all he did help us .
- That's very kind of you . But please be careful.
- Understood . Good night .
- Good Night .
I put down my phone and looked over at Chuuya . He was looking troubled .
- Chuuya , I ... - I didn't know what to even say . Thankfully so I didn't have to say more , he turned to me , placed his hands on my shoulders and kissed me again . My lips automatically parted again , and our tongues began sliding over one another .
Chuuya pushed me down on the couch. I was laid on my back , him on top of me , his lower body between my parted legs . My hands wandered around his back , stroking through his white shirt . His fingers run through my hair , while his left hand felt up my body . My mind went blank again . All I wanted is to touch and feel him more .
Our lips still attached , and tongues still in battle , he started softly biting and sucking on my lips . I didn't wanna hold back anymore , I slid my hands under his shirt , brushing over his abdomen up till his chest. He was slender , small built , but had a right amount of muscle . His body was so hot , every part I touched felt like it's burning under my fingertips .
He broke the kiss only to kiss my cheek , and leave small bites down to the crook of my neck . I couldn't help but moan out .
He kissed back upwards to my ears . Dragged his tongue over my earlobe .
- We can't go further tonight - He whispered .
I sighed , snaked my arms around his waist and nodded .
- We shouldn't have - I mumbled.
He nuzzled his face into my chest above my breasts , slightly panting .
- Can we just stay like this ? - Chuuya asked , circling his arms under and around my body .
- Yes - I whispered into his hair .
We laid like this , holding each other in a hug all night . Chuuya fell asleep, snoring quietly on my chest . I buried my face in the hair on the top of his head .

I opened my eyes when I heard the alarm on my phone . Chuuya was still sleeping , it seemed like we didn't move around during the night . I looked down at the sleeping man , his face was so peaceful, his usual annoyed expression was now soft , his lips slightly parted . Once again I thought , he is so beautiful.
- Turn the fucking alarm off - Chuuya mumbled .
- I'm sorry , I can't get my phone .
- Go get it - He growled , and moved a bit so I can reach my phone on the table .
I quickly hit stop . And wrapped my arm back around him .
The redhead hugged me tighter for a minute before he pushed himself away and sat up . Still with his eyes half closed he looked around .
I straightened myself up as well , and grabbed my phone to check if I got any new messages. I did , about 20 from Dazai , asking where i was . I wasn't gonna answer tho .
What happened last night with Chuuya started sinking in . I'm the worst , I have been hooking up with Dazai , who is Chuuya's former partner and they hate each other. Then I go and make out with Chuuya . And I'm living and working together with Dazai . But I met Chuuya before him ... and went on a date with him . But again ... I have been having sex with Dazai . Tho it's nothing more than that .
Oh my gosh, what have I gotten myself into .
- Y/ N - Chuuya's sleepy voice got me out of these thoughts .
- I'm sorry , about last night - He said .
- I... we kissed , don't be sorry - I answered , blushing up .
- No , Im not sorry about that . I meant about leaving it at that . It's not that I didn't want to , I'm just not at my best yet , after using Corruption.
- I ... Chuuya , I ... I don't know if we ... if we .- What can I even say to that . What do I wanna say even ?
He turned to me , cupped my cheeks and kissed my lips . My eyes widened, my face heated up . He looked straight into my eyes , making me dive deeply in his .
- I love you . - He said .
- I ...
He just stood up .
- I don't expect you to answer now , don't be so shocked , idiot - and he went to the bathroom.
Okay , what the F just happened? Did he confess to me ? What ? And why is my heart racing so ? Why are my cheeks still burning at the spot he touched me ? Why are my lips on fire ? Why is my head so cloudy ?
I shook my head , and grabbed my phone again .

Twistyourgame: I stayed at the HQ to make sure Chuuya is fine . I go to the Agency in a bit .

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