Chapter 65

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OsamuDazai : You stayed with him all night ? What the fuck ?

Twistyourgame: I see you at the office .

I texted Naomi asking if she can take Lily out and feed my rats before she heads to school .
Chuuya stepped out of the bathroom a bit later , wearing fresh clothes , a simple black T-shirt , and jeans . He took a shower , and fixed up his hair .
- Go get ready , and let's go eat something- He sat next to me and pointed at the bathroom.
I stood up , not looking at him , and went to freshen up . I didn't shower , just washed my face , combed through my hair and used some of his deo .
- Thanks- I smiled at him once I was finished .
I walked to the coffee table and took my phone . It was a bit before 9am .
- I'm gonna go now - I said , grabbing my coat - I have to help Kunikida at the office.
Chuuya just held onto my wrist .
- I said , we go get something to eat , afterwards I take you to the Agency .
- Ohm , I don't wanna be late - I mumbled.
- Isn't it your day off ?
- I said I go to the office first thing in the morning.
- Okay , you will . I take you straight there after we ate .
- I ... No , I can go alone .
- YOU NEVER LISTEN - He screamed at me annoyed , and just pulled me by my wrist and we were out of the door . He dragged me through the HQ , earning some surprised looks from the people that were around .
- Ohhh Chuuya , I see you are better - Mori said as we passed him . He was discussing something with Hirotsu, Elise standing by him , gleaming at me and the short executive.
The redhead stopped , sliding his hand down to intervene his fingers with mine .
- Boss - he bowed his head respectfully.
- Good morning , Mori sensei , Elise -  I greeted .
- Y/N , Y/N , I drew something so pretty , do you wanna see it ? - the blond girl jumped around .
- Ohm I ...
- Elise , dear , Miss Y/N here seems to be going out now with Executive Nakahara- The Boss smiled softly .
- It's not like - I started , but Chuuya cut me off .
- I take her to the Agency in a bit , maybe another time .
Hirotsu and Mori exchanged a suspicious look , and the latter just nodded .
I looked apologetically at Elise , who was pouting .
- I promise I come by when I have the time .
- When is that - she whined .
- Hmm , when I don't have to work . I promise - I held out my pinky finger on my free hand , I shoved it in front of her face .
She held hers up and we locked pinkies .
- It's a pinky promise - I explained- it's a special promise, that I can't break .
- What happens if you do ?
- I die a thousand deaths .
- Scary - she laughed out .
- Let's go - Chuuya started pulling me away - Bye .
- Bye- I said but I was already dragged down the hallway .
His car was parked in front of the building . It wasn't the usual black Towncar with the driver . It was a bit smaller . I guess that was his own car .
He opened the door to the passenger seat , let my hand go so I could get in . He closed it , then he got in the driver seat on the other side . We both buckled the seatbelts, and he drove off .
I felt kind of awkward, there were a lot of things I wanted to say , yet I did not dare to speak up .
- Listen , Chuuya , about last night , - I tried .
- I told you , I don't need you to answer me now .
- But , you said ... you said ...
- I said I love you - he placed one of hands above knees - and that's enough for me.
- We almost ...
- You wanted to as well , didn't you ? - He looked at me with a confused face . His cheeks were blushed , I think he tried to put on a cool guy act , but he might been more nervous than I was .
- I ... I did - I admitted , looking out the window on my side .
- I wanna be at my best when we actually do it - He muttered . Loud enough for me to hear it .
I didn't say anything. I wasn't sure what I wanted . And for some reason I felt guilty. I have been sleeping with Dazai , I can't just do it with Chuuya . Because unlike with the bandaged idiot , once I do it with the maffia executive, there is no way back . I will be his . I will fall for him , more deeply than for anyone ever . I also know that Chuuya would be hurt if I told him about having sex with his former partner .
- Listen , I give you all the time you need , I won't force anything on you . I can hold back .Can you just let me love you for now ? Even if it turns out to be one sided . Just let me love you . - He spoke up again , once we parked in front of the same bakery he took me the first time .
- Chuuya , I ... - I was taken aback , my heart pounded so hard , it hurt . Was I happy ? Or was it breaking ? Do I feel the same way about him ? I unbuckled my seat belt and took a deep breath .
- I need some time , I have some feelings of my own to set straight - I said in a serious tone . - I don't wanna hurt anyone , and I don't wanna get hurt either .
- I understand- He nodded and brushed my cheek with his left hand . The right one gave a firm squeeze to my thighs .
Then he got out of the car , walked to my side and opened the door for me . He held out his hand , which I took , we locked fingers and headed in for breakfast .

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