Chapter 40

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I went upstairs, straight to the office .
- Y/ N , you can't run off like that - Kunikida scolded me the moment I entered .
- Hmhuhm - I didn't even look at him as I made my way to my desk . Before I could sit Ranpo sat on my chair and pulled me in his lap hugging me from behind .
- Y/N ! - He cheered . I still didn't show any reaction , just stared blankly in front of me . I tried to get my thoughts together. I literally witnessed the Maffia murdering a man . An assassin. From Guild . Chuuya , I saw Chuuya standing there , right above that man's corpse . I met the head of the Port Maffia . Im surprised I'm alive , I was expecting the boss to be ... well different.
- Y/ N , Y/N - Kunikida came up to me and Ranpo . Totally not caring about the Greatest Detective clinging on to me . - You seem sick .
- Hm ? - I finally looked at him .
- Are you sick ? - And the blond man touched my forehead- you don't seem to have a fever , you are so pale .
- If she would have a fever she would have rosy cheeks - Dazai stated and joined in standing around me , I still was sitting on Ranpo's lap .
- She isn't sick - Edogawa said in an arrogant tone to the two man - she just needs a moment to get herself together. 
- Hmm, I'm sorry - I muttered - is the President here ?
- Atsushi and Junichiro are reporting currently.
- Okay - and I turned to open my laptop .
- Once they are back , you can talk to him - Ranpo said loosening his hold around me .
- Yeah I do that .
- What happened ? - Kunikida asked .
- Nothing really - I said not looking up .
- You met Ougai huh ? - Dazai asked .
- Uhum - I replied .
- Ougai ? As in Ougai Mori ? - Kunikida's jaw dropped - The head of the Port Maffia ?
- Uhum
- What ? How ? What ?
- Atsushi is currently reporting his encounter with him and the Guild chick - I said , my eyes still on my laptop .
- By the way , now with that being dealt with , we are no longer need to be paired up , and I can go home . - I said .
- Well - Kunikida started .
- Y/N - Dazai .
- Your building is gone for good , you have no home - Ranpo said flatly .
- What ? - I turned my head to look at him .
- Yes , your building is still missing . - he said .
I stood up .
- Excuse me , I need to use the bathroom- and I walked out .
I went to the locker room , I just sat down on the floor and started crying . I'm literally homeless , my pets are with Chuuya , who just murdered a man with his buddies . I have literally nothing .
I don't know how long I sat there crying , when someone came in , got down beside me and just hugged me .
- It's okay - It was Atsushi . He didn't say anything more , just held me and let me cry , as long as I needed to .
I finally calmed after some time , he let me out of the hug and wiped off my face .
- Junichiro and I finished with the report. You should go talk to the President- he said helping me stand up - I'm here , if there is anything I can do . Such a sweet boy .
I gave him a soft smile , brushed his cheeks over with my fingers and gave him a kiss on the cheek , and turned and walked out .
I knocked on Fukuzawa's office door .
- Come in - he said .
- President.
- Y/N , sit down please . - He looked up from his papers and pointed at the chair in front of his desk .
I sat , still a bit sniffy from all the crying .
- Have you been crying ? - the President asked .
- Yes - I blushed - I'm sorry , a lot has happened.
I told him about my encounter with Mori and the Maffia, and that a member walked me back here .
- Hm I see , so the Guild is now ready to take us both on - Fukuzawa nodded . - And the Maffia is soon to be making their move on us as well .
- Aren't we on neutral terms ? - I asked
- Tachihara was sent to check out if Kyouka is really with the Agency .
Ahhh so that's why he took me back here , now I understand.
- We are not going to do anything, unless they make a move . I assume they either try taking Kyouka back , or come for Dazai . - he stated . - For further notice I suggest you ignore this encounter.
- Understood - I said as I stood up to leave his office .
- Oh , President, sir , there is another issue I have - I started .
- That is ?
- I'm homeless now - I almost started crying again - The building that disappeared was the one I lived in . It's gone for good .
- I see , you are not homeless , for now you will be officially living with Dazai . We do not have free dorms , but his is the biggest , so the two of you should manage .
- Right , thank you - and I left .
I went back to my desk to work , Ranpo came to sit next to my laptop, and ate a bag of chips , not saying a word to me . He knew I wasn't in the mood to talk anyways. Once our hours were done , I went down to the infirmary to Yosano .
- Hey , Akiko, are you busy ? Would you like to go shopping? I need ... well everything- I asked the woman .
- Sure , let me finish this up I just have to sign these . - she said .
And in a minute we were on our way to a shopping trip . I needed clothes , bedsheets , blanket , and well basically everything , now that my home is gone . Going with her , making it a kind of girl trip , helped me to not feel so sad about the situation.

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