Chapter 17

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I woke up around 5 . Took Lily out , fed her and my rats . And I headed to the gym . I didn't do much due to my shoulder injury tho .
After training I showered and I got ready . I wore my usual outfit for work . Will this do ? What about my hair ? Should I style it ? And makeup ? Should I do something different? I started to panic.
- Wait. Why am I freaking out . It's just a breakfast with Chuuya , not a date . He doesn't even like me so - I said to myself . - Hold up ! Do I like him ? No ! No ! I met him like 3 times and we text sometimes . He only befriended me because he likes dogs and I happen to have one . Calm down Y/N , don't read too much into this .
Ugh great now I'm talking out loud to myself . Yokohama is turning me into a crazy person .
I was ready 10 minutes before he was supposed pick me up .
At 7:25 I got a DM

Crushedbygravity: I'm here

I took a last look in the mirror . I looked decent , my hair loose as usual , and my makeup the same as I do it every day .
I stepped outside .
Huh ? Where is he ? Chuuya wasn't standing in front . Then I heard a loud honk , it belonged to a black towncar, what the ... ? It looked expensive, not that I know anything about cars , but it did .
A man in a black suit got out from the drivers side , and opened the back door . Motioning for me to get in .
- Hey , idiot , move it - Chuuya yelled from inside the car .
- Ohm yeah , sorry . - I walked to the car , the driver kept the door open .
- Good morning Miss , please - he greeted .
- Yes thank you - I literally shouted . And quickly sat down . The man closed the door and got back in to the driver seat .
- Where to, Sir ? - he asked Chuuya .
- You remember that place close to Chinatown I used to go to ? - he asked , the driver nodded .
- Yes Sir .
- Thanks .
- Sir ? - I looked at Chuuya in confusion.
- it's because of my position at the organisation, don't ever call me that - he said .
Right , he said he worked for a small organisation, handling trades . Sus . How could he afford a car like this ? Plus a whole private chauffeur. Naaaah , sus .
I observed him a bit better , his outfit was the same as always . A dark long coat , a black suit , white button up and a black vest . He had his chocker around his neck , a pair of gloves covering his hands , his pants matched his suit , and he wore black leather shoes . Okay yeah , let's be honest the outfit was probably more expensive than my rent for 6 months .
He is definitely a criminal of some sort , wait , what if he is in the Maffia ?! Naaaah , that's crazy . He is not .
- You look good - his voice interrupted my thoughts.
- Ohm oh , yeah thanks , you do too .
- What's wrong you look out of it ?
- Nothing , it's just early , I'm sorry .
- You are saying sorry a lot this morning .
- Ohm right , sorry .
- Again ?! Stop .
- huh I'm sorry what ?
- Stop saying sorry .
- Oh right . Sure . So where are we going exactly?
- To a cafe around Chinatown , didn't you hear when I told him ? - and he nodded at the driver .
- I wasn't paying too much attention.
- Hey , Are you sure you are okay ?
- Yes yes sure .
He changed subject , asked me about Lily and my rats . He was shocked that I have 5 . I told him he can come see them one of these days .
Soon we got to the cafe , the driver stopped in front of the door , he opened the back door on Chuuya's side , who got out , and held his hand out for me to get out . I held onto it and stepped next to him .
He then softly let our hands drop , not letting mine go .
- Shall we ? - he asked .
- So fancy for what ? - I laughed out .
- Maybe I'm trying to impress you . - he mumbled and we walked inside the cafe .
It was a small , cozy place . The smell of the fresh pastry and coffee was amazing. Chuuya led me to a table in the back and we sat down .
The waitress came to take our order . I got a large black coffee , so did Chuuya . I asked for a croissant, he took an avocado toast .
Our order arrived in a few minutes , we both thanked the waitress . And I took a sip of my coffee . It was so good .
- You are cute - the redhead sitting across of me said . His face immediately matched up with the colour of his hair .
- I ... - I just mumbled , catching up to Chuuyas cheeks in redness . Well this is awkward. For a good while none of us spoke , we just looked at one another and got redder by the minute .
Gosh , what is going on, Y/N , you faced the Port Maffia two days ago , and a small date gets you lost ? Is it even a date ? Is it ?
- Chuuya , I , ohm , are you , are we ? Are - great, I'm
So amazing with words . - Isitadateorjustcoffe? - I blurted out the question.
His face was on fire , I felt mine burning up as well .
He took a deep breath , reach over the table and placed his hand on the top of my head .
- idiot - that's all he said and withdrew his hand , picking up his toast and started eating . I picked up my croissant and did the same . We both finished our breakfast in silence . I tried to avoid looking at him .
I left most of my coffee for after the food . So did Chuuya . I was sipping the still warm drink , holding the cup in both hands . The man finally broke the silence .
- Yes , we are on date dumbass - he said .

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