Chapter 33

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I'm being crazy , of course that car isn't following me . Why would anyone follow me ? I thought as I me and Lily were walking .
I got to the bus stop , i had to wait about 10 minutes for the bus to come . I sat down on the bench , and gave my dog come pats on her head .
The black car stopped in front of me . The windows got rolled down on the passengers side , and I could see the driver . A familiar, pretty , blond girl .
- Higuchi- I mumbled , now panicking .
- Please get in - She said .
Now sure , I'm gonna get in the car of the woman that almost killed us ? Hell no !
I stood up , held Lily's leash firmly , ready to make a run for it .
The back door of the car opened .
- RASHOUMON ! - I heard a scream , and like that a black and reddish something grabbed me by my waist .
Akutagawa, and his coat puppy demon . What is going on ? Chuuya said , that the Agency and them are on neutral terms . What do they want with me ?
I had no time to think , the black demon pulled me in the backseat of the car , together with my clueless dog . And I was sat next to the ability user .
- It's not safe at this hour in this city - Akutagawa stated , while his Rashoumon let me out of it's hold . To say that I was scared , is an understatement. I was terrified.
- Ohm , what ? I - I was stuttering.
- Executive Nakahara instructed us - Higuchi said , she sat in the driver seat on the front .
- Executive Nakahara? - I questioned- Oh , Chuuya . Wait , huh ? - I was in confusion. Chuuya asked them to kidnap me .
- Yess , we are not allowed to cause you any harm - The emoboy looked at me .
- So you kidnap me ? After shooting and stabbing me ?
- We must apologise for that - The blond girl said , looking back at me . - However, this is not kidnapping . We aren't allowed to harm you .
- Okay then why did his puppy grab me ?
- Puppy ? - Akutagawa's eyes widened , then he looked at Lily - this isn't my dog , I thought it was yours .
Oh God , The Port Maffia's black dog is stupid .
- She is mine , your coat , I meant your coat- and I pulled on his sleeve .
- It's not a puppy , it's my ability, I can turn my clothing into Rashoumon- He turned his face forward- Higuchi, let's take her home .
- Roger - the girl smiled .
- Huh ? Wait , Higuchi, where are you taking me ?
- Home - she and Akutagawa in union .
- Okay but no thanks - I was about to open the door , but Akutagawa took my hand back .
- Our orders from the executives are not to be denied , we must carry them out . - he stated .
- I'm sure Chuuya didn't ask you to randomly kidnap me .
- Miss Y/N , our orders were to not allow any harm to come to you , therefore we can't let you go home at this hour alone . - Higuchi interrupted .
- Wait so he asked , you guys , to follow me around and drive my ass home ?
- Not exactly, we received our punishments for our wrongdoings , next to that we were instructed to make sure you are not getting in danger - Akutagawa looked at me again , no emotions on his pale face .
- We were driving to Akutagawa's house , we just happened to see you walking , and at this hour the city isn't safe . Leaving you by yourself , could have you end up in all sorts of troubles - Higuchi said , and with that she drove off .
We got to my apartment building, I didn't even ask how she would know where I live . I mean , Port Maffia , right ?
The girl stopped , I was just about open the door on my side , but she got out and beat me to it .
Akutagawa stepped out with me and Lily .
- It will be just a second - he turned to Higuchi , whom was standing next to the car.
- Yes , right - she said , with a blush on her pretty face . She was such a beautiful girl , big brown eyes , that were shining almost at all times , fair skin , her blond hair seemed silky and well kept . And it was so clear she had a huge crush on Emoboy .
Akutagawa walked me to the door . He said it's to make sure I got in safe .
- Okay , well it was weird , but thank you for the ride . Higuchi, thank you - I yelled over at the girl .
She waved at me with a smile . I opened the door , stepped inside with Lily , and turned to Akutagawa.
- Good night - I said .
- Very well , bye - and the man walked back to the car .
I went upstairs and took my phone out to text Chuuya .

Twistyourgame: I just met Higuchi and Akutagawa. They kidnapped me basically.

Crushedbygravity: what ???? I told those idiots not to mess with you .

Twistyourgame: they took me home against my will .

Crushedbygravity: They what ?

Crushedbygravity: wait

Twistyourgame: Relax , hahaha , they just took me home .

Crushedbygravity: now ? Why were you out at this hour ? Do you even know how dangerous this city is ?

Twistyourgame: Right , there are murderers, ability users , and the Maffia running around ... oh wait ... you are one of them .

Crushedbygravity: Idiot. You know what I meant . You have no business out at night , especially that you have no fighting skills , you can't even protect your dog .

Twistyourgame: And myself .

Crushedbygravity: I'm worried for Lily .

Twistyourgame: Ass

Crushedbygravity: dumb

Twistyourgame: Night night Chuuya .

Crushedbygravity: Goodnight ❤️

What ??? Am I seeing it right ??? A heart ? What should I reply ? Maybe it was an accident. Yess he wouldn't send me a heart emoji .
I didn't reply . I went to shower and straight to bed . Let's not worry about something so insignificant like an emoji . It means nothing .

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