Chapter 18

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I almost spat my coffee out ! A date ? We really are on a date ?
- I see - I mumbled into the coffee cup .
- Don't worry , it's just a date , I have no other expectations.
- I see - still basically talking to the warm drink .
- I was gonna ask you for dinner tonight actually, but I will be , well let's say seeing my old partner from work . So I thought a breakfast before work would do .
- I see .
- Y/N !!!
- Hmm yeah I see .
He reached over the table and took the cup away from me .
- Is everything fine ? Look , if I made you feel uncomfortable by calling this a date I'm sorry . I didn't wanna force you to go out with me . I ... I just .- he stuttered
- I'm sorry , that - it's - that's , I'm sorry it's not like that . - Again with the wide vocabulary coming in hard . Come on Y/N talk , human , talk !
- Thank you , for asking me out , Chuuya - finally a decent sentence has left my mouth . - Im happy - and I smiled up at him .
- Thank you for coming - he looked at me with a kind expression. - Next time we could actually go for dinner , I know a restaurant at the port that has the most amazing view . I know you gonna love it there .
- Next time ?
- Yess , I mean , if you would like ?
My heart , it was pounding so heard , jeeez quiet down he might hear it . Why is it so loud ? I don't like this man that much . I mean yess he is attractive, he is funny , kind , has a good style , but that means nothing . Yes I blush a lot around him , yess I was praying deep down for this to be a date . And yess I wanna go out with him again ! I mean maybe , it's like whatever . It's just a few dates , it's not like we gonna be DATING , dating .
- Yes , I would love to - I said this instead .
- Great , I will text you later about it - he laughed .
He then asked for the bill , which he paid , as he should , and we left .
- Where do you work ? I drop you off - Chuuya said .
- Actually pretty close by , I can just walk to the office .
- No , I was raised better than let a girl walk home alone after I took her out .
- I'm going to walk to work not home .
- Same thing .
We got to his car , the driver opened the back door , Chuuya let me sit in first then he followed .
- Where to ,Sir ? - the man in front asked the redhead next to me .
Who looked at me .
- Where to Y/ N ?
I gave the chauffeur the adres of the Agency .
- Sure , Miss - he replied and drove off .
- Y/N . Just Y/N . - I said .
- My apologies , sure Miss Y/N .
- I ugh , never mind . Thank you .
Chuuya let out a small laugh .
- Formalities are not your thing huh ? - he asked
- No not really . Also , what kind of organisation you working for ?
- Just a small one handling some trades, I told you that , didn't I ?
- You did yess , it's just , I mean . Never mind , I'm sorry .
- Stop saying sorry
- Right , I'm sorry .
- Y/N - he raised he voice .
- What ?!
We were sitting next to each other in the car, me by one window , he by the other . The whole time until now I didn't look at him .He sat closer to me , one of his hands grabbed my right hand , which I had just crossed in front of my lap . With his other hand he he grabbed my face and turned me towards him .
- I told you , stop saying sorry so much . Save it for times when you actually should apologise. - his tone was kind . He was looking into my eyes , it felt like staring into my soul actually. Gosh his eyes tho , azure , just like the colour of the sky on a clear day . I could just stay here forever. Just like this , him holding my hand , his right palm on my face , his thumb brushing my cheek . Just looking at him .
The whole thing wasn't longer than a few seconds , yet it felt like hours . Chuuya withdrew his right hand from my face , and sat back straight .
His left hand however didn't let my right one loose , he also didn't move back to the other side by the window . No , the redhead stayed sitting close to me .
- Chuuya , are you gonna hold my hand the whole ride ?
- Tsk , I would hold it all day if I could - once again he barked . Chihuahua.
His grip got a bit more firm .
- Miss Y/N we have arrived - the driver interrupted the moment . I mentally thanked him for this , as I was a second away from either jumping on Chuuya , or out of the car .
- Oh , right , thank you - I said .
I was about to slide my hand out of the boy's left one , when he pulled me in with it , and wrapped his right arm around me . I froze there for a few seconds , he finally kissed me on the cheek . The smallest , softest kiss it was .
- I will text you later . - he said as he let me go .
The driver opened the car door , and I stepped out , we were parked on the left corner of the building where the Agency was .
- Hmmm this place - I heard Chuuya mumbling.
- What ? - I bent down to look at him , as he was sitting in the car .
- Nothing nothing . Don't mind it . Enjoy your day -he replied.
- You too , Loverboy - I laughed and I stood up straight .
The driver said bye , got in his seat and they drove off .
And me , I headed in to work for another chaotic day at the Agency .

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