Chapter 53

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I was running towards Chuuya , passing Gin , when I saw an older lady swinging a literal door towards the young girl. Without even a thought I just jumped in , grabbed the lady's arm and activated my ability.
- Don't ! - I yelled , the woman stopped her movement. - Put this down and go home . - I added , to which she nodded and walked away . She kinda acted like a zombie .
- Thanks- Gin looked at me - Watch out .
Someone threw a board towards us thankfully girl Akutagawa pushed me down so we dodged in time .
- What's going on ?
The girl opened her mouth to answer , but a small red flash interrupted us .
- Get out of here - Chuuya growled
- What's goi...
- They got Q and ... - he couldn't finish the sentence as he had to push a young girl away from one of the maffia members.
After hearing Q , I didn't need much explanation. So half of the city is under the kid's curse .
- Chuuya , tell your men to help me out here , I can't disable the curse all at once but I can get them to at least stop . - I yelled at the executive as I grab onto a men . - You , run , go home . - I told him , and like a zombie he wandered off .
- You heard her , go - The redhead looked at a familiar group .
The Black Lizard and Higuchi , along with several armed maffia members ran towards me .
- All of you , protect this city , without the people we have no business either , protect it with your lives ! - Chuuya ordered everyone .
Tachihara got by side , fighting off the crowd while I basically just try to grab onto people working against Q's ability. The problem with my ability was that I could only compel one person at a time , and my orders only last an hour , it doesn't actually neutralise the curse .
- Miss Y/N , dodge - I heard Hirotsu , I dodged down as a few civilians flew over me . The old man's ability was that sent them flying , besides a few bruises they will be fine once they gain consciousness again .
This chaos went on for over an hour and people kept coming , they tried killing us , each other , destroying whatever nearby , there was no end to them .
I was at my limit , I knew that I was overusing my ability. See as my ability is a pretty strong controlling ability, using it on so many people at once drained me . But I had to keep pushing , it has to end at a point , if somehow the curse would stop . If someone could get a hold of Q's doll and give it to Dazai . The only person that could do that was Atsushi.
At a point I could barely stand , I was dizzy , my brain just felt like a mush , I won't have long before my body gives up . I stumbled and almost fell , Tachihara quickly got to me to hold me up .
- Are you okay ?
- Yeah , sorry , - I straightened up and grabbed a random woman ordering her to go away .
Then , it kind of seemed like the people have calmed down , they have stopped destroying their surroundings as well , most of them pretty confused as to what is going on .
- The curse has been neutralised - Chuuya shouted , and floated down towards me .
- Neutralised ? - I mumbled, I had no energy left , I have overused my gift - The doll , Atsushi .
I wanted to run , to find him and Dazai , it had to be him , Atsushi has escaped. He is back .
- Atsushi- I tried to walk - He is back . I have to go .
My legs didn't work , neither did my mind anymore .
- Yeah , you will see him soon - Chuuya reassured me as I felt him picking me up .

When I woke up it was dark , where I woke up , was unfamiliar.
- Where - I started as I tried to sit up , but I was still somewhat weak .
- You are fine , don't worry , stay put a bit more boss will be here in a bit .
- Boss , what - sitting up didn't work yet - Chuuya ?
- Yes ? - The man looked down at me , he was sitting at an armchair that was by the large couch I was laid down on . I had a pillow tucked under my head and a thin blanket covering me .
I was gonna ask him what's going on , but got interrupted by a knock on the door .
- Come in - Chuuya said .
Mori and Elise came through the door , the redhead slightly bowed down to them .
- Good evening Boss
- Good evening Chuuya , and Miss Y/N . How are you feeling ? Can you move ?
- Ye, Yess - I tried to sit up again , this time The Maffia boss helped me .
- You helped out my men today . Thanks to you a lot of unnecessary casualties have been avoided .
- It's my job as a member of the Agency to help where it's needed . And when it comes to saving people I won't choose a side .
- President Fukuzawa must be proud to have you .
- Right . Mr Mori , why am I here ? And where am
I ?
- Our hospital beds are full due to the recent incident, and you had no serious injuries , so I suggested the best you just rest here until tomorrow.
- Where ?
- At my office - Chuuya interrupted with his usual bark .
- I have to go home - I was gonna stand up but Mori gently pushed me down .
- Executive Nakahara here has already informed the Agency about your situation, given that you have no energy yet to sit up on your own , I suggest you wait until tomorrow when you have recovered.
- Thank you , really but I -
- JUST STAY PUT FOR ONCE ! - The short redhead yelled at me .
Mori smiled and just left the room .
- Chuuya , I have to go home . Atsushi is
- I
- You are staying , there are no drivers to take you home , the agency brats are also busy so no one is going to get you , and you alone aren't able to go alone .
- But , Did you really call the Agency ?
- Yes , I talked to some Kunikida, he said it's not throwing much of schedule off so it's all good . You are however needed there tomorrow.

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