Chapter 29

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- Hey , stop it ! Stop crying - Chuuya raised his voice . Now shaking me a bit harder .
I couldn't, everything from the past week that was bottled up in me , facing the maffia , getting stabbed by Akutagawa, saving Dazai , him being ... and I slept with him . Everything is just a mess .
I felt Chuuya snaking his arms around my shoulders , pulling me close to him . I buried my face in his chest and just let my tears fall . He started stroking the hair on the back of my head .
- There , there , I'm sorry - he whispered.
We stayed like that for a few minutes , until I finally stopped crying , but I didn't get out of Chuuyas hold . It felt weirdly calming , comforting even, to be in his arms , his clothes were soft and he smelled so nice . Deep down I felt like I want to stay like this forever .
Finally Chuuya softly pushed me off , wiped my face with his gloved fingers , and smiled at me .
- My clothes are wet from all this crying , jeez !
- I - I'm sorry - I got startled .
- Idiot . What's your deal ?! - he mumbled .
- I'm sorry , it's just , it's , - I took a deep breath to get my act together- it's just that , a lot of things happened in the short time I'm here. I guess it just overwhelmed me for a second . I'm sorry .
- I told you to stop constantly saying sorry - and he hit the top of my head .
I blushed , but then I hit him back in the shoulder .
- Stop hitting my head , I'm fragile .
- You need to toughen up if you want to stay in Yokohama. - he laughed . - Anyways, about what I said , can we stay how it was ? I mean talking and hanging out ?
- Chuuya , - I started - ugh , you know what ? Yes ,I would really like that - I smiled .
- Good , now would you put something on finally ?
- No , why?
- To go outside .
- What for ?
- Walk Lily .
- I did that already when I came home . Actually I was gonna watch a movie and stay in , alone .
- Ohhh , well , if you replied to my text , I wouldn't have came over - he barked at me , chihuahua.
- Well you are here now , do you wanna stay and hang out ?
So he stayed , we ended up watching the movie , it was a simple comedy , nothing too serious, which was exactly what I needed after everything.

- Huh ? My alarm ? What ? - I reached to turn it off .
I was in my bed , tucked in . Oh God , I probably fell asleep during the movie yesterday.
Wait , did Chuuya put me to bed ? He could have just left me on the couch .
I stretched as I sat up , and took my phone . I saw a dm from the redhead .

Crushedbygravity: I left . I put you to bed and filled Lily's water . Thank you for everything.

I typed my reply back.

Twistyourgame: I'm sorry for falling asleep . Thank you .

I stayed in bed scrolling for another ten minutes, then stood up to get my day going .

I got to the office a bit earlier , than the others , I took my laptop out , and looked through some emails .
Kunikida, Atsushi, Kyouka , and Kenji came in a minute or so later , followed by Yosano and the Tanizaki siblings , and a very cheerful Ranpo .
- Y/ N ! - he screamed out , and ran to hug me from behind - did you get me croissants?
- Hey honey - I said and turned my head to give him a kiss on the cheek - of course - and I pointed at the bunch on my desk .
- It's for everyone, enjoy ! - I added .
- You really don't have to get stuff every day - said Kunikida, as he sat down to start working .
- Thank you y/n , but Kyouka and I already ate , she made breakfast. - smiled Atsushi.
- Kyouka , that's so sweet of you - I looked at the young girl .
- I just do what I can - she replied in a robotic tone . Poor kid , she really got messed up by the Maffia .
- Good morning everyone, was I missed ? - That waste of space Dazai barged in .
- For once on time , interesting- Kunikida murmured .
- You guys don't seem relieved to see that I'm alive and well - the bandaged maniac pouted .
- I don't really think anyone cared . We all enjoyed the quiet - Kenji said cheerfully.
Ouch , Kenji , words can hurt . Tho he wasn't lying .
Nobody seemed worried about him being gone . While they all went out for Atsushi.
- I think what he meant is that we knew that you can take care of yourself - I looked at him . Ranpo was still hugging me from behind with one arm around me , the other held the croissant he was munching on . I'm pretty sure I looked like a mother being bothered by their child.
- Y/N , good morning. I missed you - Dazai sat on my table and took a croissant.
Just as he did that , a certain angry blond man kicked him off my desk .
- You good for nothing piece of crap , you missed two days of work , stop playing around and catch up at least on what you are behind on - Kunikida was furious. He proceeded beating the brunette up , and dragged him to his desk .
Ranpo also finally let me out of his hold , however , he took Dazai's place and sat on my desk , next to my laptop , facing me , and took out the daily newspaper and started reading it .
- I hope there are some good homicide cases . - he mumbled.
I just chuckled and got back to answering some emails .
Later on , on a break I took ,to eat and check my socials in the kitchen , Dazai came to talk to me .
- How you've been ? - he asked .
- Fine - I said not looking up from my phone.
- Chuuya was there till late , he could have been a gentleman and at least stay till the morning - he smirked .
- I fell asleep during a movie , so ... hold up , how do you know ?
- I was gonna come by , then I saw his car around there .
- We just talked , and I slept , not that's any of your business.- I finally looked up at him .
- Hmm, no , maybe you think it's not , but it is .
- We had fun ,you and me , Dazai , that's it .

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