Chapter 15

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I held Atsushi for a while , stroking his hair , allowing him to let out all his emotions.
- Don't you ever scare me like that Kiddo - I whispered - I can't help you if you run away .
- I'm sorry - he replied quietly .
- Come on , let's clean up - I let him go, and turned to Kunikida.
- So this was the worst case scenario?
- Ugh the replacement of the furnitures and the repairs will completely throw us off budget - He complained .
- Using machine guns was a bit over the top , it's your turn to go around the neighbourhood with apology gifts Kunikida- Yosano said .
- It really is the worst - the man sighed .
Atsushi and me looked at each other , eyes wide . What ? This was the worst case scenario? Going around bearing gifts ? And what was all that throwing the so scary violent Port Maffia out the window ? The Armed Detective Agency members are the actual monsters here .
The only person that did nothing the whole time , besides sitting on his desk , was Ranpo . He seemed unbothered by the raid , and the mess that it left .
A short while later he and Atsushi were sent out for a job . Kitty boy was only needed to help Ranpo take the train as the man still doesn't know how to take public transport.
The rest of us cleaned up . It took a few hours , by the time we were done , Ranpo and Atsushi came back , along with a bandaged maniac .
With everything that went down today I totally forgot about him . I didn't even realise that he wasn't here the whole day .
- Dazai ! - an angry blond man yelled - where the hell were you all day ? The Port Maffia raided the office , with machine guns this time , we spend hours cleaning all the mess . Where were you ?!
- Floating down the river - Dazai said cheerfully- afterwards I joined up these two for their mission .

Why am I not even shocked ? Of course he was out , trying to kill himself . Or ... was he ? Or did he know the Maffia was gonna attack and stayed away so they won't get to him ? I kind of suspect that to be honest . Not that I'm gonna question it .
- Well , I'm going to take my leave - I put on my coat - bye everyone , see you tomorrow. - I walked to the door .
I went home , I was gonna feed Lily before her walk when I saw I had barely any dog food , or human food at home . I sighed , grabbed my wallet and went back outside to head to the grocery store . I stepped out , and bumped into a red haired man .
- Watch were you go ! - he yelled - oh it's you , I was just texting you that I'm here . Where is Lily .
- Chuuya , oh hey , I'm sorry I forgot that you be back today . Lily is inside , I'm going to the store , so I leave her home .
- Well I stay outside with her while you shop , go back and get her - he demanded .
I was too tired to argue , so i got Lily . Chuuya took the leash with his eyes gleaming .
- Hey there babygirl - he kneeled down to pet her - I missed you so much . Did you miss me ? Look I got you something - he took out a pink ball from his pocket .
- Chuuya , you didn't have to get her anything.
- I wanted to .
- She isn't even your dog
- yet
- what was that ?
- Nothing , she doesn't need to be mine for me to get her something. It's just a ball anyways, nothing fancy. Chill .
- Whatever. Thank you .
- it's for her don't thank me . - he reached in his pocket again - this is for you . He handed me a small box of chocolate.
- I , you didn't have to
- You don't like chocolate? - he raised an eyebrow.
- I do
- Then ?
- Nothing , thank you - I felt my cheeks heating up.
- Wasn't difficult now was it - he muttered . His face was bright red as well .
I reached out with my free hand and I pulled Chuuya into a hug . I quickly pulled away .
- Thanks .
- Sure , which store are we going to ? - he changed subject , he was clearly flustered , does no one ever hug you or what ?
- Just the one after the corner .
- Let's go .
We walked to the shop , Chuuya holding the leash of Lily , whom was her usual happy puppy self . I went inside while her and HatBoy waited outside. I got everything I needed , and doggie food of course .
As I stepped outside , the redhead took the bag out of my hand .
- Can we go to the park after you put these down at your place ? - he asked looking at the bag he held .
- Sure , but give it here , you are already leading Lily , I can carry my own groceries.
- Tsk , I was raised better than that - he huffed and started walking with my dog and the groceries towards my flat .
We got back , I took the bag upstairs, then the three of us headed to the park . This time it was busier , it was early in the evening. Some kids were playing around , I saw a few couples going on a romantic walk in the sunset .
Chuuya let Lily loose , and threw her the pink ball he got her . She happily ran off to play .
The redhead sat down on a bench next to me , we were both facing the view of the setting sun . The sky was painted in all shades of pink . The few clouds that were around looked like pink cotton candy . I smiled at the thought .
- It's beautiful isn't it ? - Chuuya broke the silence.
- Hmmm - I didn't turn my head towards him .
- How do you like it here so far ?
- In Yokohama you mean ?
- Yeah duh
- Hahaha . I like it . Life here is way more eventful, than where I came from .
- Do you like your new job ? Did you make friends ?
- Yes and yes . Why do you care so much ?
- What ? Care ? No I don't . But if you aren't happy , Lily is gonna feel it and be sad too , I care about her . - I wasn't sure if it was the colours of the sunset reflecting back from his cheeks , but when I turned to face him , they were bright pink .

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