Chapter 13

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Crushedbygravity: Jeeeeez didn't I tell you to reply ?!!!!

I opened my IG and this was the first thing I saw . Huh ? Reply to what ?

Twistyourgame: Ohhh great Hatboy sir , please forgive me , I did not think I need to reply to a bye . How foolish of me .

Crushedbygravity: funny .

Twistyourgame: I'm gonna sleep now bye .

That was a lie . After I got home , walked Lily , I just sat and let my thoughts circle around in my head . I let Dazai kiss me . Was it even a kiss ? Well his lips touched mine . What ? Why would he do that ?
I don't even like him , and I'm sure he isn't capable of liking anyone genuinely. And I'm not up for games like this at work . Hell to the no !
Just as I was spiralling , my phone rang .
Osamu Dazai
Great the problem itself is now calling me in the middle of the night . Is he the devil ?
- Hey , it's literally 11 at night . - I picked up
- Y/N my love , what are you doing ? - he laughed on the line .
- Sleeping , duh - I lied .
- Great , so I woke you up , put your coat on we are going for a walk , I'm in front .
- Huh ? In front of what ?
- The door of your apartment building, silly , where else ?
- What ? How ? No ! - I sprinted to my window to look outside. And indeed there he was . Wearing his light brown trench coat, holding the phone to his ear .
- ohhh there you are Hiiiiii ! - he looked up and waved .
- Go away !
- No , it's a beautiful night lets go .
- No !
- Y/N , if you are not outside in 2 minutes I will be waking the whole neighbourhood up .
- Fuck ! - I hung up . Grabbed my coat and rushed outside .
- See , you could come , let's go - he grabbed my hand and started walking .
I pulled my hand back , he grabbed it again .
- Be a good girl and stay calm - His voice changed , it wasn't the vibrant happy one , but a chilling , almost scary tone .
- Dazai - I stopped , I didn't pull my hand back this time .- What do you want ?
- To walk - he said flatly .
- Why ?
- I just want to walk with you .
- Why ?
- Because.
- Why ?
- You will find out . Come - and he pulled me .
We were walking down towards the river , him still holding my hand . I didn't pull away , even though it felt uncomfortable. Dazai , he , his presence, his whole being felt uncomfortable.
We finally stopped . We were by the riverside , he sat us down on a bench , and looked over to the city .
I followed his gaze , the nighttime brought a certain vibe to the city . Way different from how it feels during the day . The lights were beautiful, the whole view was . But it also carried a kind of darkness , that I couldn't explain.
- Isn't it beautiful? The darkness , the unknown in the night ? - he spoke up .
I finally pulled my hand away from his .
- It is , but I don't like this feeling - I replied .
- No ? Are you afraid ?
- I am . Yes .
- Of what ?
- The unknown- I almost whispered
- Y/N - his voice was harsh . - After today , I have a feeling it will get worse . The Port Maffia is after Atsushi already , and now that they found about you , they will come for you sooner than later as well . See , your ability is something that I'm sure they would like to get their hands on .
- Hm - I just nodded . I didn't think about this . He was right tho .
- You need to learn to protect yourself , be stronger.
- I know - I kept my head down .
- Hey now - he cupped my face and lifted it up so he could look at me .- Don't get all sad .
- ugh don't - I turned to the side and got out of his grip . - You were a member right ?
- Yess .
- Won't they come after you ?
- Now that they know about me ? Yes they will .
- How can you be so calm ?
- why shouldn't I be ? - he got off the bench , kneeled in front of me , his head tilted to the side - Do you think I should be scared ?
- I don't know , probably yes .
- Hmm , but they can't do nothing to me - he stated as it was obvious and leaned forward to me .
His damned devilface was way too close to mine once again .
- Y/N are you worried about me ? - he asked
- Tsk no - and I turned my head away .
- Ohhhhh you are , how sweet - he reached out to my chin and turned my face back to his - you really are . How caring .- I felt his breath on my lips . Go away , get out of my face , I thought . Yet I did not move .
I didn't want his lips to get any closer to mine , at the same time I sort of did .
Before I could finish that thought , his lips closed the distance . He softly brushed his against mine . His eyes closed , the tip of fingers on my chin . I closed my eyes as well , and just let it happen . Shivers running down my spine , I just sat there , kissing Dazai .
It wasn't a long kiss , it was gentle , soft , almost sweet . Yet I felt it so intensely . A part of me wanted to stop it , another part never wanted it to end , not only that , but hungry for more .
And suddenly it all ended . He pulled away , brushed his fingers over my lips , and smiled at me . It wasn't a happy smile, there was sadness in it . A sadness that I knew was carved deep inside this man's whole being .
- Dazai - I started to speak .
- Don't - he whispered and stood up . He looked down at me , held his hand out, I took it and stood up as well .
- Don't say a word . There is no need for it . I kissed you , we kissed , that's it .
- yeah , why ? Why would you just kiss me , twice .
- Because I wanted to - he stated the obvious. - You wanted to as well , that's it .
- Dazai , I don't like you like that , I don't want the Maffia to get to you because you are my colleague , and I care for my colleagues.

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