Chapter 14

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Dazai looked me in the eyes, his expression softened .
- I know , and that's more than enough for me . - he said . - I like that about you Y/N , you care for people you barely know . You are easy to read , honest , and kind . All qualities I wish I had .
- Aren't you kind ?
- Not by nature , no . I act nice enough tho I think , at least I'm trying . I'm trying to be a better man ... for him - the last two words came out as quiet as a whisper .
Then he started grinning like nothing happened .
- I can't wait to learn more about you , Y/N . Come , I walk you back home .- he put out his arm implying for me to grab onto it . So I did .
We didn't talk on the way to my flat . Once I was in front of the building I let his arm loose .
- Goodnight - I said and I turned to the door .
He turned me around , leaned in and kissed me , this time on my left cheek .
- Goodnight - he whispered in my ears .
I quickly opened the door and got inside. I ran upstairs to my apartment.
I didn't sleep at all that night . I was as confused as ever . Not only I had the Port Maffia coming after me , I kissed Dazai . TWICE !
The next day at the Agency was chaotic, Kunikida constantly muttering about some worst case scenario just added to the vibe . Worst case scenario? What could that be ? The Maffia kills us all ? Yeah that would be bad . Who would care for my pets if I died ?
Hold up , there is someone missing , I thought as a looked around .
- Kenji honey , have you seen Atsushi?
- I saw him a few minutes ago, he was heading out .
- On a job ? But we were assigned to Kunikida to help with some papers .
Kunikida angrily barged into the office .
- Yess , he was too , that brat - he huffed and puffed - he just left the building . Leaving all the work .
- What ? He left ? - I jumped up and ran out.
- Y/N !! Don't you dare !!! Y/N !!!! Come back - the man shouted after me .
I couldn't care less about his yelling and some silly paperwork . I knew what Atsushi was about to do . He is gonna give himself over to the Port Maffia . He wants to protect us at the Agency . I ran outside , I caught a glance of TigerKittyBoy turning in a corner . I sprinted after him . I have to stop him , he just got a chance at life . Does he think nobody cares about him ? He really does think that the Agency would rather have him in the Port Maffia's hands ?
I don't see him , where did he go ?
There , at a public telephone booth. He was talking on the phone . I ran there , he stepped out and saw me .
- I'm sorry - he said - I promise I won't be causing any more trouble - and he ran off .
- Atsushi! No ! Wait ! Atsushi! - I yelled and went after him . He was fast , way faster than me , I couldn't catch up to him .
I stopped , I turned back and went back to the Agency . Once I'm back I ask the others to help me find him .
I heard some loud bangs coming from the office . I stepped in .
- The Port Maffia - I exclaimed.
Some members raided the agency . With machine guns , all the furniture, the walls , the window , all was damaged by bullets . The maffia members however , were not really on top of their game . Kunikida knocked out some older guy , Kenji was taking the guns away from the passed out men and piling them up .
- Can I please take this ? Thank you so much - he was as cheerful as ever .
I felt a cold metal against my throat . Without looking anywhere I grabbed the wrist of the person holding it .
- Ability: Twisted games ! - I activated my ability- Please put this away , it's sharp and so so dangerous- I turned around with a polite smile .
The person did as was told . It was a young girl , late teens , early twenties maybe ? Black hair tied up , she wore a white mask around her mouth so I couldn't see her face fully . Her eyes were cold grey , so familiar.
- Huh ? Akutagawa? - I raised an eyebrow.- you look a lot like him . Never mind . Stay still and don't move anymore .
And that's what she did . I went around the office , crept up at the remaining conscious Maffia members , and told them to stop moving . It didn't take long before they were all out of it .
The last moment as Kenji took away the last machine gun to add to the pile , TigerBaby walked in .
- The Port Maffia, they gonna ... Ugh , what ? - he was confused. Ohhh I see , he gave himself up thinking that the Maffia won't bother the Agency , then he found out about the raid and came to warn us . Sweet child .
- Kunikida , what should I do with them ? - Kenji asked
- Just throw them out the window - the blond man adjusted his glasses .
So sweet SunshineBaby went ahead and threw the Port Maffia out of the window . Literally.
Kunikida finally noticed Atsushi . He started scolding him for running off . Kitty cat turned away and tears were running down his face , but his mouth was in a smile . The blond angry man deadpanned at the sight .
I went up to Atsushi, and pulled him into a hug .
- It's okay TigerKiddo , cry it out - I said softly .
- Kunikida, give us a minute , then we will be helping out with the cleaning alright ?
- Sure - he agreed .
We stood there for a while , I was holding Atsushi , letting him cry as he needed to . He was such a pure kid . I wanted to protect him from the world . Of course I know , I can only do so to a certain extent .
Dazai was right , I need to be stronger . Not only to protect myself , but to protect them , all of them .

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