Chapter 52

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I got upstairs, changed into sweats and took Lily out .
Dazai and Chuuya were still in their verbal argument. As a passed them , the bandaged maniac stopped his sentence and held my hand pulling me back.
- I already did that love - he stated and smirked at Chuuya .
The redhead went feral .
I pulled myself out of Dazai's hold .
- Just why ? - I looked at him defeated . He totally ignored me .
- See Chuuuuuuuya slug , I will always be superior to you .
The Maffia executive now was a demonic chihuahua. I could barely make out what he was screaming to Dazai , whom had an irritatingly confident look on him .
I went up to Chuuya and just put my hand on his shoulder .
- Please .
- Fine , I will kill him one day I swear - he growled .
- Yes yes , of course . Thank you for the ride .
His eyes finally softened and he slightly blushed . Of course that idiot Dazai noticed it . The brunette was just about to grab my hand to pull me away .
- Y/ N ! Come with me to the convenience store! - Ranpo turned up out of the blue and hugged me . He completely ignored the other two , and started pulling me and Lily down the the street .
- Thank you . - I'm smiled at him once we got further away .
- It seems like those two will take their rivalry to a different level - Ranpo laughed .
- What do you mean ?
- Hm ? It's obvious, the both like you .
- What ?
- It's pretty clear .
- Nah , I'm sure that's not the case .
- Whatever you want to believe Y/N .

I didn't give much more thought to Ranpo's words . The moment I got back home , I got to work , I missed out on a few days of work, both at the office and on social media . I had some pictures that I wanted to edit, so I sat by my desk in the bedroom .
I didn't sleep much that night either . Regardless of what they said at the Agency, and my talk with Chuuya , I still felt guilty . I hope we get both Atsushi and Kyouka back .

Once again I forgot to text Chuuya , when I woke up in the morning , there were new messages from him , next to the still unread ones . I just sighed and opened the conversation with him . The past days , this man has sent me over 15 messages, called me 7 times and even tried video calling me 3 times .

Crushedbygravity: Gosh woman , just reply .
Crushedbygravity: Whatever, I hope you get some sleep . Goodnight ❤️

These were the last messages . Again the heart emoji . Why does he send that ? And why do I care ? It's Chuuya , I don't like him , and he doesn't like me . We are just kind of friends . Whatever Ranpo said , is just his own speculations .

Twistyourgame: Thank you for last night . 🤍

Perfect. Yess that's a perfect message. And now it's time to get the day going and not think about the redhead .
Now that was gonna go well , but I forgot about the other problem for a minute . The tall skinny bandaged suicidal problem . Whom was already up and annoying , the moment I opened my eyes .
- Good morning Princess ! - He sat by my bed on the floor in front of the closet door . Which I left open as I thought he won't bother me . Well ...
- Why are you sitting on the floor ? - I asked .
- Would you rather have me next to you ? - and he climbed next to me .
- No - and I kicked him off .
- You are breaking my heart , I just wanted to cuddle up - the idiot whined .
- Not with me - and I stood up and went to the bathroom to get ready .

It has been four days since Atsushi got taken , four days since Kyouka got arrested. Dazai went to talk with Kouyou , whom was still held hostage by us .
Okay hostage , officially , she was free to walk around the Agency , she got to eat with us , and even helped out with smaller chores . She sleep in the infirmary, as of course we were a detective agency , so we didn't have like underground chambers to hold people captive .
About my tiger friend, we still wasn't gonna do anything. Ranpo just said : a few more days and he can take action . Whatever that meant . It didn't really put me at ease to be honest .

A few more days passed , it has been a week since the incident with the Guild. I was sent out on a job with Kenji , there were some delinquents vandalising some shops around the city .
It wasn't something new , it's a huge city after all , but we got reports from several shops the past hour .

The city was chaos , there were no delinquents vandalising buildings, the whole city turned into a jungle of crazy people. They were attacking each other , breaking windows of nearby buildings .
What's going on ? Why is everyone acting crazy?
- Kenji , let's stick together, don't leave my side .- I turned to the blond boy . Who was gone . No no no , we got separated . I have to find him and we need to get back to the office and figure out what's going on .
There were people everywhere, all yelling , going at each other , some even came at me .
In the middle of fighting off a middle aged man off of me I heard a familiar voice .
- This is our city , without this we won't have business , protect it with your life !

Chuuya ? I looked around and there he was , The Black Lizard members and some others were around him , they were doing their best to protect the citizens from each other . However it was clear that they were outnumbered.

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