Chapter 26

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Maybe it's better that he took off , it's not like we had an awkward vibe after last night , but who knows at work , knowing Dazai he would try to make things awkward.
I went in the cafe , got a few coffees for everyone and some pastry , and headed up the fourth floor .
- Good morning ! - I cheered when I stepped in the office .
The only person inside was a young girl , sitting by Atsushi's desk .
- Oh hey , You must the Port Maffia girl .
- My name is Kyouka Izumi - she said in a low tone - I killed 35 people in 6 months working for the Maffia - she added .
Ohhh poor kid is traumatised .
- Ohm... - Thankfully the rest of the Agency arrived and saved the situation.
Kyouka introduced herself to everyone. She was such a sweet girl , I felt so sorry for her . She must have been through hell . The girl was only 14 , long black hair , fair skin , huge blue eyes , she was a bit shorter than me , and wore a traditional Japanese red kimono .
My colleagues and I were all over her , she was so adorable. Naomi got a maid outfit from I don't know where and we dressed her up like a doll , Ranpo went on a snack run to buy some candy for her .
We were in the middle of a mini photoshoot for Kyouka , when Atsushi stepped in . My baby was shooketh.
- What's going on ? - he asked
- She looks good in just about everything- stated the Tanizaki brother .
- Right ? So adorable. - Naomi and I in union .
- Kyouka love can you turn this way for a picture ? - Yosano asked waving her phone .
- What ? - Atsushi turned to Kunikida , whom was sitting by his desk , unbothered .
- Don't ask me , I don't care - the blond said in annoyance.
-We all adore her - Kenji , my sunshine
- I see , I don't think Ranpo will be thrilled , he is very strict about the rules .- Tigerboy's voice was a bit shaky
- Ohhh , he is into it the most - Junichiro laughed out .
- Yeah he just went out for snacks - I said .
Not long after The Greatest Detective came back with a bag full of candy , he and Kyouka played around and ate them .
- Just like kids - we all thought .
President Fukuzawa came in , he called the young girl in actually .
That's right , she is a fugitive, the military police is after her , probably the Maffia as well .
- The Port Maffia erased her completely- Kunikida stated - but she can't stay here, not because of the authorities, or because we have no job for her . It's just too dangerous.
- It won't be long before you will be a wanted person , it would be different if you were under my care - said Fukuzawa
He wasn't wrong , but this child has nowhere to go , she is deeply traumatised and has no light in life .
- President Fukuzawa, please let her stay - I looked pleadingly at him , ignoring my coworkers statements.
- I vouch for her - Atsushi stepped in and bowed in front of our boss .
- Me too , please - I did the same .
Kyouka stood in front of the tall man , she looked even smaller .
- Sir , Please let me stay - oh my god her face , you can't say no to that face .
The President was shocked , but didn't say anything just stared at the child .
- Please - she went on and looked up at him
Fukuzawa was doing his best to keep his strict , straight face .
-Please - Kyouka continued
And our President has lost the control , his face got soft .
- HIRED, welcome to the Agency.
Of course he couldn't turn down such a cute face , he seems like a cold man , but deep inside he is super sweet . One time I saw him offering fish to a cat on the street . A man like that can't be that cold .
He left the office , went back to his own .
- Atsushi, I'm placing her under your care , you will be sharing your room with her . We don't have any more free in the dorms .
- What ? Why me ?
- Kunikida, do you think it's appropriate to house an 18 year old boy and a 14 year old girl together? - I asked . - She can come live with me .
- If the boy is Atsushi yes . Besides you live too close by the Port Maffia Headquarters, it's not ideal for her to be out of the Agency's sight .
- But but , why me - TigerKittyBoy asked .
- You brought her here - said Kunikida - now , I'm gonna be gone for an hour , I saw that eggs were on sale , so I'm gonna go buy some . Tanizaki, Y/N , you guys are in charge .
- Alright- Junichiro mumbled
- Wait , here - I handed Kunikida some cash - can you get me some too , and a few energy drinks too please ?
- Sure, no problem- and he left .
The police came in later on , there was something with a car being blown up .
One of the officers noticed Kyouka , and ask for identification of her , ugh we are in trouble .
The President came in and :
- She is my granddaughter- he stated . Thanks Sir you saved the day , but no way he would fall for that .
- My apologies- the officer said . Wait he did fall for it .
Then he went on explaining some details about that whole car thing .
Junichiro sent Kenji and Atsushi out to investigate.
I was helping Ranpo with turning in notes to reports , okay I was writing reports based on his notes while he ate chips and read the newspaper.
- Ranpo. Why is it you are so into Kyouka , yet yesterday you literally said we should let Atsushi die ? - Junichiro asked
- Huh , Ranpo said what ??? - I jumped up from my chair .
- I didn't say he should die , I said we are not responsible for him .
- You didn't help finding him until the President forced you to - Yosano butted in .
All I saw was red , bright red , the anger that crawled up in me was blinding . I turned to the detective, and slapped him , hard , the sound was echoing in the office , and he fell of his chair .
Everyone, including Ranpo , whom was sitting on the floor now , was staring at me with mouth open.
- How ? Why , you little shit , how could you ? Because he hasn't been here long ? Is that how you would react if I was in danger ? Or Kenji ? Would you have said that if anyone else was in that situation? What if you were kidnapped? You think we would just sit around not caring ???
He said nothing just looked down , slowly stood up and sat back on the chair .
- Y/N ... - Junichiro started
- Right , I'm sorry - Ranpo interrupted- Y/n is right , I deserved it .

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